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We're in our first phase of a focused rollout, so don't freakout when you see this question 🙂 but I need to do a Mass Edit to delete all CTAs with the CTA Type Name "Risk" - but ONLY if all associated Tasks are still in a Status of "Open."

The goal is to wipe out any RISK CTAs that have not been actioned upon.

Can anyone provide some guidance because I am obviously not able to associate the CSTask object fields to Call to Action object.
Hello Jeff - The good news is that there are two fields in Gainsight's "Calls To Action" object in Salesforce: Open Task Count and Task Count.  If the two numbers are equal on any Risk CTA, those are the ones you want to delete, yes?

The bad news is that I don't think you can trick the filters into selecting those CTAs for deletion in Mass Edit, since you can't compare a field to another field.  

If you have SFDC Admin privileges and can use workbench or a dataloader for deleting (or have an SFDC Admin who owes you a favor), running a report like I have on the screenshot below, then exporting to get the IDs you need after comparing the two columns, would give you the ID list you needed.

Barring that, I'd play with ways to update the existing CTAs from the rules engine -- in the Actions part of the rule, you CAN compare a field to a field.  If you can do that for the fields equaling each other and, say, change the CTA name, you'd have a filter criteria for Mass Edit.  

However, I'd recommend a bunch of test runs and then narrowing down the first manual run to a single CTA before turning it loose - I haven't had to update existing CTAs much via rules engine, so without some testing myself, I can't say for certain that this would work.

Hope that gives you some viable options!  If so, tag the post as the answer so we can close it for you - thanks!

This is GREAT info Scott.  I will do some testing and will let you know the outcome. Thanks!
Glad I could help, Jeff!
I'm not seeing how I can change the CTA name as part of the action, but right now I'm just seeing if I can run a comparison between those fields.
