
Milestone Dates

  • 9 December 2016
  • 4 replies

When adding a milestone, the drop-down year field only goes back to 2015. In order to add a date prior to 2015, we must select 'January' from the month field, '2015' from the year field and then press the arrow to the left of the month in order to get the previous year. The drop-down year column does not immediately update accordingly.

When I exit the milestone creation and go back in, I can see the last year that I navigated to via the arrow.

However, the cached years do not stay accessible for the customer when exiting and returning to the C360 screen nor are the years available for any other customer.

So in essence, in essence, we'll need to finagle the year list each time we add a milestone. While this may not be necessary going forward, we're attempting to enter historical milestones for each customer.

4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +4
Hi Veronica...even though the calendar pops up when you go to the Date field, you can manually type the date into the Date field:

Also, if you're entering these for each customer, perhaps you should try creating a rule to do it en masse?  You can type the date in there as well:

Thanks, we'll manually specify the dates for the backfill project.

Unfortunately a rule wouldn't work in this case as the dates differ for

each customer (implementation dates, customer-specific workshops,

project roll-outs, etc...)
Userlevel 6
Badge +2
Agree that not showing year options prior to 2015 is a problem, especially with such backfill work. If you have this data available as a CSV, you could upload it to a custom object in MDA, and then write a rule to mass load Milestones. The difference is that you won't be typing the dates in; instead, you'd map directly from the source (Show field). You'd still need one action per Milestone type, but should be easier than manually creating for several customers.


Userlevel 7
Badge +4
