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I have a requirement for a scorecard metric update based on modifying an activity previously logged on timeline, but am not sure the best way to approach it and am hoping you have a best practice suggestion. Is there a way to query a field modified date on a checkbox on an activity?

Hi Melissa.

If I understood correctly, you need to set some Score/Color to a Measure based on Timeline Entry which was created past.

So you can fetch the data from Activity Timeline object with the fields “Created Date”, “Modified Date” and the other fields which you need.

In the transformation, task use the filter Modified Date >= Created Date

And do the necessary steps which you need for your requirements and do the Action.

If not please let me know your exact scenario. So that we can give a solution or workaround.


Hope this will help you to start your task.

@ml2019 did the solution given by @phani_kumar worked for you? Please let us know if you need any help here.
