Product Issue - Load to Gainsight Object Rule Action


UPDATE: The fix has been pushed to all customers


UPDATE: Fix has been pushed to customers in US; EU customers should have the fix tomorrow


We wanted to inform our customers about a product issue our team just discovered.  We have received reports of Rules that are being test ran with the action for "Load to Gainsight Object" is not working as designed and is modifying the data, when it should just be a test run. Our team is investigating the fix for this issue, and we will continue to post updates to this thread.

Please refrain from using test runs for "Load to Gainsight Object" action in rules engine. Sorry for the inconvenience this may have caused to your instance.  We hope to have this resolved shortly.

12 replies

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Bumping this to the top for more visibility. 

Userlevel 7
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@sai_ram Is this how we can be expected to be informed of global product issues going forward? I had originally suggested a place in the forum to track known issues and was told it is not planned: 


However, the way this issue was announced and handled isn’t what I would have expected given the response to my idea. In either case, it would be nice to have a consistent location and methodology used to announce and track these issues and I’m curious if this post is indicative of that or this was a one-off.

Userlevel 7
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Hi @bradley , thanks for the suggestion about the issue tracker. This concept has been reviewed internally and while it’s not something that we are planning on doing at this time, I’m sure we’ll revisit it in the future. 

Userlevel 7
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Hi @bradley , thanks for the suggestion about the issue tracker. This concept has been reviewed internally and while it’s not something that we are planning on doing at this time, I’m sure we’ll revisit it in the future. 

I get that @dan_ahrens  - my idea was already shot down, I was merely providing that for context for the rest of my question. 

Are these types of community posts how we can be expected to be informed of global product issues going forward? It would be nice to have a consistent location and methodology used to announce and track these issues and I’m curious if this post is indicative of that or this was a one-off.

Userlevel 7
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@bradley it can depend on the type of issue. For global product outages, we communicate those primarily through You can also subscribe to get updates from that status page so you’ll be notified of any issues. 


For this specific issue with rules engine, it was not deemed a global outage event, so communication was sent out through community to our active admin network. 

Userlevel 7
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@dan_ahrens I disagree. An issue that is causing test rules to actually modify data unintentionally is a critical issue - outage or no outage.

Many folks, like myself, have posts from the community filtered to go to a folder and check them as time allows but have the Status page notification alerts set up to come straight to the inbox.  

This post was logged under the Rules & Permissions.

Critical issues (not just outages) should be notified through the Status page or at least via a specific Community group specifically identified for critical issues.

I wouldn’t have known about this in time if it hadn’t been posted via another admin to the Global Gainsight Admin slack group.

Userlevel 7
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@darkknight your points are well stated. I’ll share this feedback with the team that manages the status page. 

Userlevel 7
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@darkknight your points are well stated. I’ll share this feedback with the team that manages the status page. 

@dan_ahrens  All we really want is a single source of truth for known problems. That was kind of the point of the request I made earlier, and what I was getting at with my questions on this post. We don’t reliably know when/where something will be posted, as it depends on how Gainsight views the problem.


@darkknight Thanks for your feedback on this issue.  To echo Dan’s point, this issue was posted to the community following our internal processes.  This issue affected a subset of Gainsight customers, so it was not deemed a “major impact”.  In addition to posting to the Community, we also did an in-app notification to the subset of customers that were affected by this issue.  They would have seen that engagement when they went to the Rules Engine page.

I do agree with the impact of this issue, and a known issues page would be helpful and the right area to share this type of information.  While this is not on our immediate roadmap, we do plan on revisiting in the future.  In the meantime, we have a new category where we will post anything related to the Support team.  Please make sure you follow that category, as issues like this will be posted there.  To clarify, not all product issues will be posted there, but issues that have an impact, but does not meet the requirements to post on our status page.

Userlevel 7
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UPDATE: The fix has been pushed to all customers


UPDATE: Fix has been pushed to customers in US; EU customers should have the fix tomorrow


We wanted to inform our customers about a product issue our team just discovered.  We have received reports of Rules that are being test ran with the action for "Load to Gainsight Object" is not working as designed and is modifying the data, when it should just be a test run. Our team is investigating the fix for this issue, and we will continue to post updates to this thread.

Please refrain from using test runs for "Load to Gainsight Object" action in rules engine. Sorry for the inconvenience this may have caused to your instance.  We hope to have this resolved shortly.


@mandy_major The original post did not state this affects a “subset” of customers, just that a product issue was discovered (and the UPDATEs say the fix was pushed to “all” customers.) 

And If you didn’t get an in-app notification (for whatever reason) how would you know that you’re not affected?  There’s no communication stating that users who are affected would receive an in-app notification.

So for any admins who happened to see this post - or who didn’t and became aware of this through the Global Admin Slack group - the assumption is/was that we were all affected.

Just asking for more clarity and consistency in communication so that we can best understand quickly when/how critical issues impact our environments.







At the time of the post, we were working with the information we had and wanted to notify customers following our internal guidelines as soon as we could.  We are always looking for tips to improve our internal processes and customer experience, and I will be sure to share this feedback internally with our Ops teams.  

Thanks again for the feedback @darkknight 

Userlevel 7
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At the time of the post, we were working with the information we had and wanted to notify customers following our internal guidelines as soon as we could.  We are always looking for tips to improve our internal processes and customer experience, and I will be sure to share this feedback internally with our Ops teams.  

Thanks again for the feedback @darkknight 

@mandy_major  It would be helpful if we knew what those “internal guidelines” were. Can we be given a method by which you will notify us of problems, and you will use it consistently so that we have a predictable way to find out about wide-spread issues? If you are interested in improving the customer experience, have you considered something like this 

