
Related List MDA Data Sources on Share 360

  • 13 November 2017
  • 3 replies

I'm not clear on which MDA Data sources are allowed to appear under the Related Lists option for the Share 360 Layouts. I see some, including one that's Custom, not Standard, but most of the MDAs do not appear. We structure most of our reporting off these Custom MDAs so having this clarified would help us share our data. Could someone provide some insight into how these sources populate here? Thanks!

3 replies

Hi Nate,

We show all reports which have lookup to SFDC Account Id or have been mapped to SFDC Account Id via Gainsight Data management as part of Shared C360 configuration. Are you facing issues where certain reports are not available in your configuration?


Abhishek S
Hi Abhishek,

Thanks for the clarification.

Do the lookups have to be to Company ID or SFDC Account ID or can they be a custom identifier?

I've tried linking based on custom ones without success but I'm not sure if I was just being impatient for the Related Lists to recognize the newly linked MDA.

Hi Nate,

Currently , we show all reports which are built on

a. SFDC Objects which have a look up to SFDC Account Id.

b. MDA Objects which have fields and have mapping defined to Account Id in SFDC mapping. When you go to GDM->Data Administration -> Create new object and create a field , you can see the below screen where it is defined.


Abhishek S
