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If you want to generate a report with a date range, you can not use the same approach for Salesforce and MDA objects.

For example, if you have a report that groups by a date field, you must use Between to get the correct date range for Salesforce objects. For a similar report on an MDA object, Between doesn't work. You have to add two filters: date field >= lower part of your range and date field <= upper end of the range.

If you try to apply the second method to Salesforce objects, it doesn't work.

Has anyone else run into this? I logged a case (9655) but got this feedback...

This is NOT considered as a bug because most of the use cases involve only one date in the filters like Date >= 1/1/2016 and Summarization is applied on it. Then as per the design, we summarize the data as Q1 2016 to Q1 2017( But not till March 2017, only till some specific months)
Thanks for posting. I'm going to look into all request around dates such as So that I understand, is it fair to say, this request is about adding consistency and intuitiveness, and currently not prohibiting any use case? Thanks
I find it very confusing that I'm not able to set a dynamic filter based on salesforce date data. I feel very strongly that this gap should be closed ASAP.
Just to clarify here: I tried to create some reports using greater than and less than filters based on date ranges. My result set was incorrect (certain values did not fill in at all for future dates - just returned blank rows). It's hard for me to believe this is not a bug - but be that as it may, what I've been told is that it's not possible to use dynamic filters on Salesforce objects. This prevents me from being able to use any salesforce data in dashboards, since these will obviously require dynamic (not static 'between') date filters.

Please let me know if there has been some misunderstanding on this issue or if this is actually the case.
Agreed it can be frustrating when there are differences in functionality when reporting on the different source objects.  For example, it's easy to Summarize your Group By field by week, month, quarter if your report is built off of an SFDC object, but not if you are building it off of a Gainsight object.
