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Hi Everyone -

Looking for some assistance here!  Building out a report on email logs to review bounces.  We want to be able to provide an easy report for our CSAs to access and update records on these bounces.  We are using the "email logs" data space, but there is no CSA field to pull in.  Any help on how to resolve this would be awesome!

Thank you!
Pretty sure you have to add fields to the Email Logs MDA object and then populate values via Rules Engine. Did this myself following the doc here.
This is exactly what I needed, AND it worked.  Thanks for posting this!
Nice– glad it worked out!
I should note, what you can also do if you add user IDs to the object, you can write a rule that creates a CTA for your CSAs to review contact info anytime an email bounces. This is kinda why I added the fields to Emails Logs– if any of our renewals communications bounce, someone on our team tracks down updated contact info and sends the email manually via email assist. 
