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I’m attempting to create a report of Tasks created from an Activity Timeline entry where our CEO was present in the meeting.

I can identify Activities where the CEO was present (Activity Attendee Object), and I can identify tasks that were created from a timeline entry (CS Task). What I'm not able to find is a field or ID that will allow me to associate a task with the timeline entry. 

When I go to a timeline entry I can see the tasks present so there is some way those are being associated, its just not clear to me which fields I need to use to link the two in a Data Designer entry.

How do I stitch these two objects together?

Hi @etc 

I can’t find that they are formally connected - Activity isn’t a real object it’s a replication of a JSON file. All such tasks will be associated with CTAs that contain the word “To-Do”, so you could try the following:

  • CS Task:
    • Filter on CTA name contains “To-Do”
    • Show Name, CTA name, task GSID, created date time, created by ID (author ID)

And you can try and merge on Company ID (or relationship ID) for the task and timeline, the created date timestamp and the created by user ID. Odds are you shouldn’t have too many To-Do related tasks created at the exact same time on the same day by the same author…

Hope this helps!


Thanks @alizee. I think you’re right the odds of success should be high enough using the merge on company id, date and subject. Given that I cant do a 1-1 mapping this may be the best case. 
