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I opened up a support case this morning asking if there is a way to create a report(s) that will show me the top 10 customers whose healthscore has increased or decreased the most over the last 90 days?

The response that came back was to "create a CTA if health score drops below a certain delta change. We can use overall score in a calculated field for a rule. Then we can just report off those CTA's which would give you the list. Being built off Call to Action, this report will be able to bring in any fields from customer info and account as there is a lookup already established."

That doesn't seem like the right way to do what I'm trying to accomplish.  

What I want to do is evaluate the average healthscore month to month over the last 90 days to see which customers have experienced the steepest drop or highest increase.
Do you currently have scorecard history turned on, which captures your weekly scorecard values in usage data object? What I am thinking would require a new field on customer info object or measure on usage data object. Then populate that field using a rule that has a calculated field that is looking at the score from last week compared to the score 3 months ago (or 12 weeks ago) and then load that % calculation into the new field. Once you have that field populated you could then report on the field and set it to top 10 customers. Does that sound like it would work for what you are trying to achieve?
Jeff, this would satisfy the "can't have a rule with no action" issue with using the calculated field. 
Scorecard history is turned on, but how/where is it storing data within the usage data object?  (I know shockingly little about our data layout)

BTW this document needs to be updated:  The Global Settings fields have changed.
Hey Jeff,

Each Scorecard Measure is a field/column in the Usage Data object. We load one record per Account per week with these columns populated with the weekly score snapshot. This object can give you weekly trending on any Scorecard Measure.

What Jessica is proposing is that you build a rule on this object and use the advanced calculation feature to calculate the changes in these scores, and then push that number to a field in CustomerInfo. This rule could run once a week to give you a rolling snapshot of the changes. Also, if you want these changes trended over time, you could write back to a new field/column in the Usage Data object itself. In the case, the difference/change becomes yet another metric we track on a weekly basis.


If you did decide to go with creating a rule to populate a delta into a custom field, you can create a report based on the field and use ranking to show the top 10 with the highest change in the past week.
This is a super old post, but we are looking to do what Lane describes in her last post: calculate the % change or raw delta of health score change over a period and put that into a new field. 

Any general guidance on how to accomplish that? I will admin my ignorance to the Usage Data and Data Spaces sections if those come into play here (we are an On-Prem software company).
There are probably a couple ways to go about this. One could be leveraging the SFDC formula ability to do a formula on a field.

Another way would be to create an MDA table, and put the previous week's score in one column and the current week's score in another. Then do a formula field to get the % change. 
