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I wanted to find out if Success Plans (SP) can be configurable to switch to new Partners (Customer Name field):

Sometimes, partner will be changed midway or later in the implementation tracking.  Typically if this is a new SP, we would delete it and make a new one, but for mature SPs we do not want to lose all that recorded information. I am curious if there is a better way of managing this or could we configure the customer name field to be able to modify to a new partner?

Are you trying to change which Company is associated to the Success Plan? That’s not possible from the UI. It might be possible via API. 

Are you trying to change which Company is associated to the Success Plan? That’s not possible from the UI. It might be possible via API. 


I know moving between relationships with API is not possible so I would imagine company is not possible.

If the company records were merged, then the Success Plan would move to the new Company record but I doubt merging companies would be desired in most situations.
