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When setting up a survey template it would be helpful to have a drop down menu for the site URL field that would list all of the active sites within salesforce; This way the customer does not have to keep going back to the setup page to copy and page the URL into the survey template. 
Hello Marcus,

I think this is a great request! As a customer with a very similar need I'd like to see what could be done with this sooner than later. Net-Net, as I look to "push" capabilities to our CSM's I need to limit / mitigate any / all necessary steps where they have to ? / think about what a setting should be.

Since we're just now fully ramping up Survey efforts in combination with Copilot outreaches it's important that we have such a feature so that I don't have to revisit the URL issue for every survey for every CSM. It would / will be inefficient and we run the risk of the CSM's not moving forward with Publishing Surveys if the URL is a unknown quantity. Thank you for raising this idea to the forefront. Take care.

