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There is some scenario it which the SF Tabs and the SF App get out of synch. I typically run the Sales Cloud App. I go into various Gainsight tabs, and with the new UI my SF Tabs are hidden. Then when I go to display the SF Tabs, the ones that come up are Gainsight Tabs, not Sales Cloud tabs.

Another thing that happens is the Force application selected for a given browser tab changes if the Force application on a different browser tab changes.

Seems to me the Force App and the associated tabs should be browser tab independant
Hi Kristin,

We are pulling only the tabs configured under the Gainsight App. The assumption here was that you are opting into the Gainsight experience, but can add more tabs/customize as well -- which we honor and present in the primary navigation. Although it is possible to add Gainsight tabs to different Apps, didn't feel like that should impact how the main Gainsight App functions. 

Based on your previous feedback, we have made the header sticky, i.e., Gainsight will remember your last preference and not default to auto-hiding the Salesforce header always. Do you think this would help in this context, as you can rely on Salesforce tabs, especially when navigating in other Apps?


Hi Manu -

I think I have not explained the problem well. My Salesforce header is for the Sales Cloud App. I have added some Gainsight tabs to it. I go into Gainsight, where I am now in the new UI, and my Salesforce header is hidden. I use the arrows to display the Salesforce header, and it has changed to the Gainsight Force app.

Does that clarify? Happy to get on a call to show you.

Got it, thanks! I'm checking to see what we can do there to not keep switching to the Gainsight app.

We tested this out in a couple of orgs and were not able to recreate the issue. The app selection on the top-right remains unaffected when you click on any of the Gainsight tabs added to that app view. Could you please share some screenshots with me at
