@jriva We do something similar. We have an activity type specific to product feedback, and we have several customized fields to capture specific info, and then, we can easily export a report to share with product and the CSM can easily filter to those specific items.
Are you talking about feature requests to your product that customers have made? Or internal feature requests for Gainsight/CS tools?
IMO Timeline should be for key summarized notes/information and crucial email exchanges, related to a customer that someone like a VP could, at a glance, can come and get a quick overview of the customer’s current state. I think teams try to make Timeline the catch all for every email, every note, every piece of information and that just clutters it up. Even with filters, it can be difficult to find what you’re looking for because there is just so much.
@darkknight yes, I meant feature requests about our product made by customers.
@heather_hansen have you found it difficult to find the information with your setup? Or does reporting make it easy? I’d love to know which custom fields you use. I was thinking JIRA issue #, description, product area might be sufficient.
@jriva Forgive me if I’m making an errant assumption, but it sounds like you might be creating double effort if the feature requests are required to be in JIRA for your product dev team to work on AND you want your CSMs to enter a manual timeline entry to track it in GS. If I were in your shoes, instead of having to have CSMs manually enter Timeline entries to track JIRA tickets - I would work with the JIRA team to try and get the key JIRA data points exported/imported to Gainsight and surface on a C360 report. That way they won’t have to go through the manual steps.
Again if I misunderstand your intent/process forgive me.
Also, I don’t mean to negate anything @heather_hansen is doing/suggesting (especially if it’s working for her
) cause she is awesome. Just offering an alternate perspective.
@jriva We have a drop down field to high level categorize which piece of the product it’s about, and then, for the reporting, we pull in some additional fields from the Company object to give more of a picture (like ACV, Sales Channel, etc.)
@darkknight Agree. We are a bit resource-challenged, so I often have to do things the hard way.
@heather_hansen we do what we have to do #amirite?
Thanks @heather_hansen for the additional details!
@darkknight agreed 100% and thank you for the additional perspective. That would a much longer project to get going due to resources. Something I’d definitely like to move toward, but in the meantime I want to start capturing it somewhere in GS.
Appreciate all the help everyone!