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After adding a hyperlink to some text in Email Templates 2.0, the font color is changed to blue.  I am unable to change the color back to white from blue.  In the original templates, I would edit the html back to rgb(255, 255, 255) and that would do the trick.  Now, I am unable to edit the color of this font. 

I suggest filing a support case on this one.  Thanks.
Same here :( 

I already opened a ticket abou it, but the answer is to duplicate an old version of Email Template and then change the collor.
OK.  I will make sure the team is aware of this. 
Thank you.  Yes, I've been using the old templates as a workaround but I like to be an adopter of new things! :) 
Hi Katie, This is a bug,I've raised a zendesk ticket. I will let you know once this issue is resolved . Thanks for reporting is the Zendesk Id 


Happy to announce that your request has been considered. Email Templates are enhanced with a new UI and significant performance improvements. Changes in the feature make it more user-friendly, and also allows admins to customize the email templates to provide the best email template layout that works in various email clients.

You can find the relevant information in Release Notes.

This feature is implemented in both SFDC & NXT version.

Thanks for posting!
