
G360 for Adoption Champions

When will we add the ability for other roles besides Admins to access the G360? Admins are not generally the ones driving adoption of Gainsight, so the real value of G360 is for access by Adoption Champions, including Directors and Team Managers. Customers are asking for the ability to have broader use. A way to export and distribute internally would also be helpful.

Any way to get the right people looking a the content would be a win-win!

14 replies

Userlevel 6
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Hi Tracy,

One way to give more folks direct access to that page would be to break it out into its own custom tab, like a lot of customers do with the Report Builder.
Userlevel 7
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This is a great idea Manu. Does it still require admin permissions in that option?
Userlevel 6
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Full admin permissions are not needed. Just need to grant access to that visualforce page and the custom tab. 

Userlevel 7
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Should we move this out to the public space on community? Might be helpful for customers to have access to this info.
That is awesome - problem solved! Thanks Manu and Scott!
Userlevel 7
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Deeply loving the G360! I've never set up a custom tab based on a VisualForce page, I don't think. What's involved in doing that?
Userlevel 6
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This article explains how to do something similar for Reports - we'll work on publishing a specific one for our G360
Userlevel 7
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The docs team is writing an article for how to enable the Gainsight 360 tab for non-Admins. We should be able to publish it within a day or two.
Userlevel 7
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This article on Gainsight Go contains instructions for granting non-Admins access to the Gainsight 360 custom tab.
Userlevel 7
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I feel like there must be a step missing. After following them, the Visualforce tab exists (, the Security settings include my Profile (, and I'm able to view the G360 (

But the tab is not visible for me by default, nor is available in my list of tabs to add:
Userlevel 7
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Seth, I forwarded this to our support team to help troubleshoot. If there's a doc update needed, we'll take care of it. Thanks!
Userlevel 7
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Much appreciated! Wasn't quite sure whether to bring that to you for any small thing that got missed in the article, or whether to shoot it straight to support 🙂
Userlevel 6
Badge +2
Hey Seth,

Looks like the tab is hidden, so editing your profile or permission set should help.

