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Hi Gainsight Community!

I'm doing some research on how our clients manage renewals workflow and particularly renewals forecasting/reporting in Gainsight - or how they would like to do it.

If you're interested in sharing your insights in a quick 30 minute call with me, feel free to email me at or post here and we'll reach out.

Hello Nick -

We utilize the SFDC Opportunites, SFDC reporting, and Excel for the forecasting efforts.

We generate CTAs w Playbooks for the Renewal efforts.   Glad to discuss further if you feel it might be helpful.

This is a topic I'm keenly interested in as well.  Today we are using Google Sheets + SFDC to forecast renewals.  Every renewal is an opportunity in SFDC with a predetermined lift programmed in on renewal and our account managers adjust the lift and likelihood as they negotiate and progress the renewal conversation.  Since all of sales uses SFDC for forecasting this works well since we can see renewals move across from right to left (Upside -> Most Likely -> Commit -> Closed) This does provide good visibility into current quarter renewal progression.  Increasingly I'm convinced there is more we could do to get farther ahead in forecasting than we do today.  My suspicion is that we can build some CTA/playbook data collection on upcoming renewals that collect AM sentiment on the renewal likelihood that would get us a better forward look on a rolling 90 basis of renewals.    I'd be open to a conversation with you or anyone at Gainsight at developing our practice with an eye for better accuracy in this effort.  Drop me an email if you'd like to spitball ideas or hear more detail about what we're doing and attempting.

