
How do you add a new customer record type to Gainsight?

  • Shoshin
  • 314 replies
I was informed last week that we will be expanding our Customer Success team to also cover our SMB market. This is both exciting and terrifying! Right now our Gainsight implementation is 100% focused on our enterprise product. In turn, we only pull in customer records that own our enterprise product. 

I am hoping the community can give me some guidance on how to properly set things up to pull in the SMB customer type. Additionally, I'd like to put up a virtual "wall" between the to customer situations inside of Gainsight so we don't accidentally have CTAs or things triggering for accounts that it shouldn't.

Is this as easy (and as time consuming) as adding the account record type name to everything we do in Gainsight?


5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +2
Hi Ben, what you can do is add a field called "Segment" (or similar) to the Account object and use that as a necessary flag for segregating your rules, reports and other data driven runs to ensure you're grabbing only the right segments.
Userlevel 6
Badge +2
Hi Ben,

Modifying the rule that creates Customer records in Gainsight to include SMB 'type' Accounts is pretty straightforward. But as you mentioned, what used to apply to Enterprise customers wouldn't exactly apply to SMB. This might require modification of rules that create CTAs, defining separate C360 layouts, Scorecards (possible now), Playbooks, etc.  Depending on how you sell and manage products, Relationships could be a good feature to consider as well.
Thanks Manu. That makes sense, and it is what I was tentatively thinking on. I'll have to dive into Relationships as well, haven't used those yet.
Ben, would you like to schedule a call for us to talk with you about Relationships to see if it is the right fit? If so, I'll send you some times to meet and discuss.

If you just need some help changing up existing rules, I am happy to pull in a CS Architect to provide guidance. In any case, we are happy to help you - how exciting that you are expanding!

That's a really good idea. Making a new field in the Salesforce account page would enable for segmentation looking for that field to be checked in CTA rule fires, for example. This would enable you to stick in 'Accounts' versus Relationships.
