
Internal Change Request Document?

  • 5 February 2016
  • 2 replies

  • Registered User
  • 11 replies
I am wondering if any CS Ops teams have implemented a change request document for changes to be made in an example, removing fields from the attribute section of the C360.  My thought is that this will be helpful in getting approval from the CS Ops team to make the change, providing the reason behind the change, and then most importantly, having a 'paper trail' of what has been done and why.  I would prefer not to recreate the wheel if someone has already done this.  And, I'm interested in hearing how other teams handle changes in Gainsight.

Thank you!


2 replies

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The clients I work with had the GS Admin sit in IT, and therefore the change request is typically submitted through the case management system which IT already has for all other systems they manage. Using a ticketing system such as Zendesk or SFDC cases would help reinforce the process you've outlined before. If your CS Ops is not part of IT and a ticketing system is not an option, you might want to track requests in another system (I have one client that tracks such requests in a task management system).

I wonder if this use case might be possible to execute through Gainsight using a series of CTAs. It seems like it might be, but I can't say that I've seen it done (yet).
Hi Anne, we have a page on our CS intranet site devoted to Gainsight and a portion of this page is designed to collect CSM 'ideas' for changes they'd like to see in the product. The Ops team reviews the requests and then implements the change (or does not implement the change). The piece we're missing is documenting that the change occurred so I'm looking forward to seeing replies from other folks to see how their handling this. 
