
Making NPS data Actionable

I'm looking for ideas about how other companies are making data from NPS surveys actionable.  Are you doing any automations inside of Gainsight to get the survey results to product teams or other groups who need to take action? 

How are you circling back with the customers on updates that have been made?

I'm struggling to find ways to do this.  Perhaps I just need to take it outside of the system.  I also couldn't find much documentation from Gainsight on this. 

Best answer by karl_rumelhart 20 July 2018, 20:55

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8 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +5
Hi Kara, This is a great question, so thank you for sharing it here! We have some info about the followup Gainsight does based on our own NPS feedback here, but I'm sure you'll hear more helpful recommendations from fellow Community members.  
Hi Kara,

We have seen few ways in which customers make NPS data actionable - 

a. Creating CTAs is the most commonly used mechanism for actionable follow up for NPS responses. This ensures closing the loop and follow up happens few days after survey has been responded to understand the reasons and act accordingly. If you are using Survey 1.0 , please refer this link here for more details -

b. Notification Mechanism - Other use cases which customers do is to use Survey responses as a notification mechanism(Send Email to exec team, post to slack etc.) which can drive conversations and follow up with the respondents. If you are using Advanced Outreach for your survey distribution , then you can send customized response emails based on kind of score given and forward to the right team members who can act on it.

Hope this helps!


Abhishek S
Userlevel 2
Hi Kara,

Our NPS responses were buried at first.  Almost nobody actually read them because they weren't out in the open.

At first, I shared a Google Sheet with all NPS responses that contain comments (ie. the actionable ones).  I manually updated it a couple of times a month and used Slack to remind product and CS teams that it had fresh content.  That was at least a start getting visibility out to the rest of the company.

Later, we created a Slack channel called #voice-of-customer and set up a feed from Salesforce.  Whenever we get NPS responses [i]with comments, we send them to that channel.  We encouraged all employees to join that channel.  Almost immediately we started to see internal conversations build in response to those posts.  The good stuff provides nice quotes for marketing and something to cheer about, the specific detractors (extremely rare, of course 😉 ) or "it's nice except for X" responses spur interaction between CSMs and product leads to research or address concerns.  It's been great!
Userlevel 2
PS:  we do also create CTAs for passive and detractor responses as Abhishek mentions.  🙂
Userlevel 7
Badge +7
Hi Kara! We do several things, which haven't gotten us to 100% of where I'd like us to be, but certainly help:

  • Create CTAs from the survey, and CSMs have email notifications set up for new CTAs

  • Push responses, daily, to Slack
    (I wrote a how-to here: )

  • Monthly, I compile an email for the exec team, showing the NPS evolving over time, breaking down the NPS by product, and listing the verbatim comments from all Detractors and all Promoters

  • At the same time, I put those same verbatims (Promoters first, this time) into an email to the entire company
Hi Kara,

I'm a NPS Certified Associate who works here at Gainsight. I previously managed a Customer Experience Program for another company, so I'm a bit of a customer feedback management geek. All of the suggestions provided, thus far, are on point. In addition, I'd like to make a recommendation with regards to your question as to how to get information back to the customers regarding any changes or updates that have been made, pursuant to their input. I'm a big fan of the concept of having an executive send out a communication periodically, articulating the key take-aways from the most recent survey and the improvements that are being made as a result. Also include some highlights - "We were pleased to get validation that our greatest strengths are..." - because you'll want to share the positives, too! You could even consider putting together a CX newsletter to go out periodically which includes that information and other news, tips and tricks, anything you want to share or call out. Keep it pretty succinct so people will actually read it and send it via an Advanced Outreach.

Bonus: whatever way you communicate back to the customers, if you include everyone, not only those who responded, you'll increase your future response rate. If customers know you are listening and acting on their feedback, they will be more likely to respond to your surveys. 

I also recommend putting together an internal group of representatives from each team in your organization that touches or impacts the customer experience in any way. In other words, ALL teams. We used to call it a "Quality Council." Meet regularly to identify those key take-aways and put together a solid, feasible plan to address the top priorities for improvements. Share that activity and progress internally, as well as externally, and keep up the momentum! 

Thank you all for the reply.  I have an additional question, if an action needs to be taken to say update the product based on feedback from the survey, do any of you have suggestions of how we can track that process in the system so we can easily provide updates to the larger organization? 
Badge +4
I love this!  One general piece of advice is to create a CTA to capture the product update task (potentially assigned to the product team) and report against those CTAs.   

As a more complete suggestion, here is one possible approach.  

1. Create a Survey 2.0 survey that includes the questions you want to ask your customers and an additional question marked Internal with info about the need for a product change

2. Using a Survey Model in Journey Orchestrator you distribute the survey, do followups etc. to get the customer to resond

3. Once the customer responds (so past the "Responded" step) you will notice that the Conditional Wait step will have the option to put conditions on the responses in the survey.  First, you have a step where you create a CTA if there is a detractor response on the NPS question (or whatever condition you want)

4. The person handling that CTA reviews the survey response, potentially calls the customer to discuss or whatever.  Then that person dispositions things by filling out the Internal survey question

5. Back in the Journey Orchestrator Program your next Conditional Wait checks on the status of the Internal Question (after waiting a period of time or until the first CTA is closed) and based on the response to that question creates a CTA for the Product team, or whichever group is responsible for the followup based on how the survey response was disposed. 

Lots of variations, of course.  But it is fun to think about all the power you have with Journey Orchestrator and Survey 2.0.
