Hey guys,
I was wondering if anyone could offer any advice on how we can manage this scenario a bit better.
We provide our customers with a software and we have a training team that delivers training sessions and webinars.
At the moment users book via a zoom registration form, when this has been submitted our training team open a training success plan and link a pre-configured playbook.
In that playbook there is a CTA called “Introduction Training” as an example, and if booked the training team will update the CTA to “Introduction Training - Booked”.
Then after the training has been delivered the training team will export the attendee list from Zoom, add in the relevant GSID’s and upload the CSV to a program which sends users a follow up email with a link to their recording of the training and a feedback survey.
When the follow up email is sent a CTA is created that is named “Introduction Training - Attended” that automatically closes 24 hours later.
This means we can then pull a report on CTA’s that include booked or attended in the name to monitor training engagement.
As you may have guessed, this requires a lot of Admin work and we are rapidly increasing our customer numbers at the moment, so this isn’t scalable.
Can anyone think of how we can use Gainsight to effectively manage the booking and following up process, along with the attendance monitoring? Or if we cannot use Gainsight, is there any other external systems that link with Gainsight that would be beneficial to us?
Thanks in advance,