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Hello Gainsters! Has anyone had success in storing client recorded meetings, such as links from webex etc.? I could store the hyperlink in the activity part of Timeline however, that would be difficult to refer back to especially if there are a lot of activities to scroll through. Preferably, would like a quick reference option, either standalone specific to recordings or other. Would appreciate learning what others have done!

Thank you and enjoy your day! 
Hi Roxanne, how often does your team record meetings? Is it part of your standard process? What about tools that capture meeting transcripts, tag keywords, record video & audio and allow you to jump directly to specific parts of the conversation or speakers?

We're seeing a lot of new products in this space and we're interested in understanding how various teams are using meeting recordings in their daily workflow. 
Hey Dan - good to hear from you!

It seems like the recordings are recurring with more frequency especially as other departmental teams are included for presentations, demo's etc. Today, we heavily use Webex although other secured means would be entertained. A mechanism for storing, quick reference and the ability to share with clients (part of or aside to the Success Plan) would be preferred. 

Thank you again!
We tell the SMs to put them in the Timeline entry but agree, not ideal if you have a lot of Timeline entries and all you want to see is links of recordings.

One idea is to create an activity type for Recordings and filter all activities for this activity type. In April release we are coming up with a global timeline view (i.e. timeline having all activities across all customers). You can filter this view for the recording activity type and just see the recordings.


