Tracking user adoption of Gainsight

  • 20 July 2023
  • 3 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +8

If you’re looking to analyze the usage of Gainsight among your users, there are a few ways that this can be accomplished, and I wanted to share how we went about tackling this problem.

Ultimately, we didn’t use the GS Asset Tracking object for our use case. We were less interested in the reports/dashboards being used, and more interested in the results we were expecting to see (the outputs, like Timeline activities and CTA movement). 


Business Impact: As a member of CS Ops, CS Leadership, & CS Systems, I want to understand how our users are adopting Gainsight and adhering to their expected usage of the platform.

Description: Build a dashboard that outlines key indicators of adoption/usage:

  1. Log in frequency
  2. Logging activities to Timeline
  3. Acting upon created CTAs
  4. Updating CSM Sentiment in health scorecard

The dashboard answers questions such as…



  • Who are the top users based on logins?

    • Top 10 Users This Month

      • User Login History object, Count of Login Time and MAX of Login Time grouped by User Name, limit 10 results

  • Who are the least using users based on last login date?

    • Top 10 Least Using Users by Last Login

      • User Login History object, Count of Login Time and MIN of Login Time grouped by User Name, limit 10 results


  • What are the top ways Timeline entries are being generated? (Gong integration, Zoom integration, Gmail Plug-in, CTA Email Assist, Scorecard, C360, GS Home widget...)

    • Top Sources of Timeline Activities

      • Activity Timeline object, # Activities grouped by Source

  • Who are the top users generating manual Timeline activities?

    • Top Users Logging to Timeline Manually

      • Activity Timeline object, Count of Activity ID Grouped by Last Modified By and Source where Source != Salesforce, Gong


  • How are CTAs being created? (helps identify users manually creating)

    • CTA by Source and Type

      • ​​​​​​​Call to Action object, # CTAs grouped by Source and Name

  • Who are the top 10 offenders of Overdue CTAs?

    • ​​​​​​​Call to Action object, AVG of Age grouped by CTA Owner and Status where Is Overdue = True and Is Closed = No

  • Who are the top 10 offenders of not actioning upon CTAs?

    • Top 10 Offenders of CTA Non-Closure

      • ​​​​​​​Call to Action object, AVG of Age grouped by CTA Owner and Status where Is Closed = No

CSM Sentiment

  • What is the average amount of days by CSM for updating CSM Sentiment?

    • Longest Avg Days since Customer Health Last Review Date

      • ​​​​​​​We load our Last Modified for CSM Sentiment from Scorecard onto our Company object as this is a key metric used.

      • Company object, formula field for Days Since Last Health Review (DateDiff Last Review Date,TODAY,Days), Show AVG Days Since Last Review Group by CSM

3 replies

Hi @sarahmiracle! Thank you for this post. I have a question specific to the login frequency.

When looking at the user login history object, for me, It appears that it only produces a record when someone has logged out and then logged back in. I’m an admin (log in every work day), but it shows my last login was April 9th (9 days ago).  There was one day where I was testing logging in and out, and it recorded all of those.

Most of the time when I access Gainsight, I’m just automatically logged in.

Curious if you ran across this same issue when evaluating login frequency?

Userlevel 4
Badge +3

Thanks for sharing @sarahmiracle, we have recently onboarded a new team in our business to Gainsight, so this will be interesting to see if leadership have an appetite to measure platform adoption.  In addition to @markglenwalker’s comment on login records, I remember seeing that a user login could potentially also count as a user in SF loading the visualization widget on a particular page; this could happen automatically rather than an intentional action, and would be something for other admins to be aware of if they were to replicate this solution in their own instance.


I think your solution is great, and Gainsight need to provide a little more granularity on user data within the platform.

Userlevel 6
Badge +8

@markglenwalker oooh interesting find …. I haven’t come across that myself, perhaps I just haven’t looked into it as deeply as you! good catch though - that object might not be the best fit then :( 
