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Unlocking the Power of Gainsight PX Insights! 🚀


Are you ready to delve into the heart of our platform? Let's explore some incredible features that give you the keys to understanding and optimising your user experience.

:link: Tag & Identity Code: Seamlessly track user interactions and behaviors across your product, giving you invaluable insights into user journeys.

:heavy_plus_sign: Add Product - Users, Accounts: Effortlessly manage user accounts and gain a deeper understanding of your user base.


:mag: Audience Explorer, Accounts Explorer: Dive deep into audience demographics and account data, helping you tailor your strategies effectively.


:world_map: Product Mapper - Module & Feature - URL, TAG UI, Custom Event: Map out your product's landscape and analyze specific modules, features, and URLs for optimized performance.



:bar_chart: Engagement - Dialog, Guided, Email, Slider, Survey: Craft personalized engagement strategies through various mediums, fostering meaningful connections.


:robot_face: KC Bot - Bots, Articles, Badge, Feedback Tab, Search Tab: Harness the power of AI with our Knowledge Center (KC) Bot. Discover articles, and provide feedback seamlessly.



:loudspeaker: Throttling, Prioritization: Fine-tune your Engagements with throttling and easily prioritize information flow.


:chart_with_upwards_trend: Engagement, KC - We get into Analytics for insights: Delve into powerful analytics for a comprehensive understanding of user engagement and Knowledge Center interactions.


:wrench: Under Admin -  Empower your administrative capabilities by creating articles, managing feedback, and more.



:bar_chart: Analytics - Reports, Audience - Retention, Funnel, Feedback, Query Builder: Generate insightful reports, understand user retention, analyze funnels, and craft custom queries for laser-focused insights. Track feature adoption, explore user paths, and measure the impact of various engagement methods.qx0kx_odImVTB84L8XYUslYbCEUomFCLueZrWbeoHvE3FcHJZ04-wZ9uzpVBd_-VgJBj3UPzZzYzRB64UjEf-mZglQjRlMIwhHYKqlwqJjRIiv9nxwoMmUNcym5EmwoUjzL_wTdZY7OLaDM2BkHZRNo

I recently did a refresher on the complete product and wanted to share the above learnings in a nutshell. 

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