When we log emails to timeline, the log time is that of logging the email. While that works for outbound emails because the time of logging is also the time of sending, it doesn’t work for inbound emails which may be a couple of days to a couple of weeks old (i.e. if you were on holiday and catching up).
The ask is simple:
When logging an inbound email, use the date and time received as a timeline entry date time value. As far as the time zone goes, use that of the user as it is set in Gainsight.
This would save us quite some time not having to modify entries post logging, greater accuracy when engagement is used in health score.
The option to respond to log isn’t good. An inbound email has way more value than an outbound email so realistically, those that matter for engagement measures are the inbound ones and this would 1/ clutter customer inboxes for no reason when there is no reason to respond 2/ drown engagement measures in a lot of noise.