Did you spot similar ideas, or did a user submitted an idea that already exists? It’s easy to merge the votes of two ideas together. In this article you will learn how.
Note: This article is only relevant for customers who have access to the newest ideation module. If you do not have access to the ideation module this article does not apply to you. Interested in the new the new ideation module. Learn more here
How to merge a new idea into an existing idea
Go to the new idea (idea A) topic page in Control
Click "Merge idea" in the top right corner
Paste the Control URL of the existing idea (idea B), meaning the idea that has already collected votes and replies
You can also set an Ideation status of the new idea (idea A) that is being merged. Most likely something like "Duplicate"
The check box is to make sure that you are aware that the votes of the idea A will be added to the number of votes of idea B
Click "Merge"
An automatically generated reply will be posted on both ideas to inform of the merge
Optional: You can enable the option "close topic" to close the idea A for replies so you are sure it doesn't get any more activity
Optional: You can pin the automated reply about the merge so end users are immediately aware