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User roles - overview of permissions and what they do

User roles - overview of permissions and what they do
  • Gainsight Employee ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 907 replies

Custom user roles are used for two purposes: Grouping users and managing permissions. In this article you can find an overview of all custom user roles, and what rights they give to a user when you assign them.

General information

A custom user roles sits "on top" of primary user roles. This means that, if a primary role gives a user the right to access something, a custom user role cannot take this permission away from them. If you want to learn more about primary user roles and what they do, check out this article.

With the exception of ‘Upload files to posts’, all of these custom user role permissions grant access to Control.

If you’re on a pricing plans with a limited number of seats, it’s good to be aware that granting a user a custom user role with one of these permissions will increase your seat usage.

Overview of custom user role permissions


This will give users with this custom user role access to the Analytics section in the Control Environment. Users with this role can:

  • View the Dashboards
  • Request and download exports
  • Request and download post field analysis data

Forum moderation

With this custom user role, users will get general access to the Control Environment, where they can:

  • See community content and moderate it (access to "Forum overview" and individual topic moderation)
  • Create new content
  • Use advanced filters and search

Note: If you are using a SSO-login, a user will not have a password. So to be able to log in to the Control Environment their password needs to be changed/defined in their user profile page before they can actually access.


This custom user role will allow a user to view the user overview in Control

Note: For assigning/unassigning/creating/deleting custom user roles, a user needs to have the rights located in "custom roles".


This custom user role will give a user the right to

  • Visit and send private messages from the inbox in the Control Environment
  • Mass-pm users in the Control Environment (send up to 50 pm at the same time)


With this custom user role, a user can access the Platform section in Control and all actions available in those pages

Profile fields

This custom user role gives permission to access and change/delete/create profile fields


Owning this custom user role will enable a user to access and change/delete/create ranks


By assigning this custom user role, you will give a user permission to access and change/delete/create Badges

Custom roles

This custom user role will give a user the right to:

  • Access and change/delete/create custom user roles
  • Assign/remove custom user roles for individual users

Note: This custom user role is very powerful, as it manages permissions and a user could abuse it to give him-/herself more rights (and take over your community). So handle this with care.


Having this custom user role gives a user permission to access Phrase management (adding, changing, removing text strings on the community and email notifications)


When a user has this role, he/she can adjust the visibility of the platform (making the community private access via password / offline / change forum description)

SSI Settings

This role gives permission to add / change / delete the SSI settings (adding, changing, removing SSI code for Header & Footer)

SSO Settings

With this role a user gets access to the SSO login setup (if applicable for your community)

Embeddable Widgets Setup

This custom user role gives permission to set up and change the look and feel of the embeddable widgets

Upload files to posts

When users have this custom user role assigned, they will be able to upload files to their posts (in both the Front- and Back-end).

Note: This only is relevant if file uploads generally have been disabled for all users


With this custom user role a user can:

  • Change the styling of your community
  • Create/change the favicon and share image

How to Provide Any Registered User with Control Access/Permissions

  1. Go to Control > General Settings > Custom User Roles > Add role.
  2. Create a title for this role (e.g. Moderation - Customer Care).
  3. Enable the permissions you want this role to have access to (in our example, we want Bob from Customer Care to have access to ‘Forum moderation’, ‘Users’, and ‘Inbox’).
  4. Click Save Changes.
  5. Go to User overview, find the user, and enable your new custom role on their profile.

⚠️ If your community uses SSO, you’ll need to ‘reset’ the password of a registered user (on their user profile within Control) before you can provide them with permissions.

More tips & tricks

Here you can find more interesting articles around custom user roles and what to do with them:
Hidden areas on the forum - a step-by-step guide
Primary user roles - what they stand for

Of course, should you have any questions or feedback, please let us know!



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12 replies

  • Contributor ⭐️⭐️
  • 6 replies
  • June 22, 2020

What permission level or setting is required to give an employee the ability to post an Article?

  • Author
  • Gainsight Employee ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 907 replies
  • June 25, 2020

For this, a user would need the “Forum Moderation” user role. With this they can create content and see it once published.

  • Helper ⭐️
  • 99 replies
  • October 29, 2020

Hi @Julian. I’m trying to set it up so that those with permission to “Badges” can manually award a badge to community members.

When testing, I can access the Badges overview page and click “Edit” for existing badges, but the screen goes blank when I click “Award badge to users.”

Is this expected behavior?

Badges permissions are enabled 
Badges overview works!
Award badge to users is blank :(


  • Helper ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 344 replies
  • November 9, 2020

inSided has deployed some new features in the past months that - in my opinion - have implications on the permissions for the custom roles.

  • Email campaigns (enable / disable the function; setup campaigns)
  • Email template (customize)
  • Moderation automation rules (enable / disable; customize)
  • Pre-moderation rules (enable / disable; customize)
  • SEO: robots.txt
  • Event types (create, customize)
  • Ideation status (create, customize)
  • Product Areas (create, customize)
  • Experimental features (enable / disable; customize)
  • Integrations / Apps (setup, customize)
  • Frontend theming (colors, buttons, fonts, etc.)
  • Homepage customization (general widget administration, special widget customization)

How are you planning on adding custom permissions to these actions? I think that it is necessary to have granular permissions for them as each of them can be assigned to different people and it shouldn’t be limited to community managers and admins to - for example - customize the “Featured topics” widget on the homepage or customize the Ideation. 

  • Author
  • Gainsight Employee ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 907 replies
  • November 12, 2020

Hi both!

@LPortalupi we have checked this, basically it would require the “User” permission as well, as you are accessing the user database here. The “Badges” permission only allows you to change the settings of a Badge itself. Probably it would be better to hide this button in the overview page for users who do not have this permission. So it is expected behaviour, however we could have designed the UI a bit better here - hopefully we can improve this in the future.

@bjoern_schulze thanks for the question. Yes, we also see the growing need to improve the permissions, no doubt. There are multiple things that we’d like to see in the platform next year that touch on this topic. Not just more granular permissions in general, but it is likely that we also more primary user roles for specific use cases (e.g. content creator or product manager). This will hopefully help you to manage access rights better, but also should help you on the reporting side by having a clearer segmentation of users that are active on your community. We will reach out to you via our community once we start realizing our vision here, to make sure all use cases (e.g. your notion of frontend permissions) are covered as good as possible.

  • Expert ⭐️
  • 1804 replies
  • November 18, 2021
Julian wrote:

For this, a user would need the “Forum Moderation” user role. With this they can create content and see it once published.

@Julian , extending the discussion around Moderators.

Moderators: It is an advanced responsibility that can be shared across user types (Employees and even for more matured Communities Customers and Partners who can volunteer) is a niche club who take on Moderation nature of responsibilities.

However I want to empower the general ‘Content creator’ tribe and enable the platform featureset per Role, like lets say:

  1. All Registered Users can create Questions, Ideas
  2. Employees: Can create Events and Articles in addition to #1
  3. Employees and Customers can create Groups

Can you point me to documentation where I control the Content type per user persona? The admin console seemed restrictive.

  • Helper ⭐️⭐️
  • 269 replies
  • March 30, 2022

I’ve got myself in a bit of a muddle here, hoping someone can help. 


When a user reaches a rank, let’s say ‘Super user’ rank, they can (and probably should) have the setting turned on to ensure they get the related ‘Super user’ custom role applied. 


So far so good. That’s what we have done. 


Where I need help with is that, if we look at the settings for our ‘Super user’ custom role, it’s not showing up as providing any extra permissions as other roles. I happen to know that our super users have unlimited edit time on their posts, they can assign best answers that aren’t their own questions and more.


Where are these extra permissions laid out @Julian, if not in the ‘Custom role’ section? 

  • Author
  • Gainsight Employee ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 907 replies
  • March 30, 2022

Thanks Tim for taking time to share your feedback and your question here!

I once took the time and wrote down an overview of primary (and custom) user roles on inSpired, just for this very purpose:

I do agree however that this could be solved in a more easy-to-find way within the Control environment itself. We do have ambitions to have more guidance and explanation of features in the future, so that each user will get a better overview of all the characteristics of an individual user role. 

Hope this helps, let me know if there is anything!

  • Helper ⭐️⭐️
  • 269 replies
  • March 30, 2022

Thanks @Julian - I get ittttt,


For anyone else unsure (it’s probably just me): the Primary role has 3 built in characteristics that can’t be changed: 


With this role they are able to mark a response in a question as the correct solution, they also do not have a limit on editing their posts (60 min by default). Also, their posts will not be touched by the spam detection (should this be activated on your community).


Additional access and permissions are viewed and edited via the custom role route. 

  • VIP ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 786 replies
  • November 10, 2022

Primary role: Registered user

Custom role: x with access to Moderation

It seems that they have access to the Control but they dont get Control “menu bar” to the community where to access to the Control? Same but different: They have to go to the Control using link to the backend?

  • Author
  • Gainsight Employee ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 907 replies
  • November 11, 2022

Hi terore,

first of all, congratulations for posting 100 replies on our community!🎉

So I’ve double checked this on a test environment, it is correct that this “Control” button is not being displayed in the frontend, so users would have to manually access Control via url. I believe that we currently only show this for primary roles that have access rights to Control. 

I understand that this is a bit uncomfortable: With this button you can open the same page in Control, now you’d need to e.g. manually copy parts of the url to then paste it behind the Control domain.

I personally do not think that there is a good reason why this has not been added for this permission, it might simply was overlooked when we introduced this button in the frontend. I will share it with our UX / product team so that we add it to our backlog.

Please let me know if you have more questions or feedback here!

  • VIP ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 786 replies
  • November 11, 2022
Julian wrote:

first of all, congratulations for posting 100 replies on our community!🎉

Julian wrote:

I will share it with our UX / product team so that we add it to our backlog.

Thanks, twice 😎


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