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Primary roles & custom roles - what are they for and what can I do with them?

  • Gainsight Employee ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 907 replies

last updated on 04.11.20

The inSided platform knows two different kinds of roles, primary roles and custom roles. This topic will explain what the different roles are doing, as well as offer tips on how you can use roles to group certain users and explain what the advantages of it are.


Why do we need roles?

Roles are there to identify different types of users. For many different reasons you want to categorize people on the community. Let''s start with primary roles, as these ones are the same across all communities.


Primary roles

Primary roles can be found and changed in a user profile page in the Control Environment (under [Users] - [Users overview]).
Every user on the community owns such a role. Here are the different primary roles available:


Primary Role Role Description
Registered user

This primary role is the standard role of every regular user on the community.

Users awaiting E-mail confirmation


This role is automatically assigned when a user has freshly registered on the community, but not have clicked on the activation link in his registration email yet. Usually these users are not able to start topics or respond until they have activated their account.

*only for communities that do not use SSO login

Waiting for moderator approval

This role is rarely used, as it only applies for communities where every new registration has to be approved by a Moderator. This is something that could be interesting for closed communities, or communities where you want to control who is registered. Users with this role usually only can see categories and topics, but not post in them.

:bulb: Learn how to enable this below!

Unregistered / not logged in

 This role is for all the visitors that are not registered. This role is (usually) not assigned to any account, as they are not registered. ? When you do not want that unregistered users are able to see a category, then this is the primary role to manage the access with.

Banned users

These are the bad boys of your community. ? As soon as you ban a user, they automatically receive this primary role. Usually banned users are not able to start topics or to respond.

Super user This role is for the heroes of your community. Those who are very active, have a lot of knowledge and the right attitude. With this role they are able to mark a response in a question as the correct solution, they also do not have a limit on editing their posts (60 min by default). Also, their posts will not be touched by the spam detection (should this be activated on your community).
Moderators Moderators have access to most of the features available in the Control Environment, but not to everything. They can moderate content, ban users, create and assign Post Fields, and much more. Check this announcement to see which areas Moderators can access and which not.
Community Managers & Administrators As you probably would expect, Community Managers and Administrators have full power over a community. Besides the features available for Moderators, there are a number of features in the Control Environment which are exclusive for the Community Managers & Administrators:
  • Badges (can be made accessible to other users via custom roles)
  • Phrases (Ability to change text of buttons, Emails etc. on the Community)
  • Third-Party-Scripts (Option to upload scripts / code to the community)
Administrators have exclusive access to the appearance menu, the embeddable widgets as well as the SSI settings.



Custom roles

Custom roles can be created and changed in a dedicated page in the Control Environment (found under [Settings] - [User roles]), if you want to check which users own a custom role, this can be found in the user overview ([Users] - [Users overview]).

Now custom roles are a very different thing. Before we speak about this, it''s important to understand the following things about custom roles:

  1. They sit "on top" of primary roles. All users have a primary role, regardless if they have custom roles or not.
  2. The primary role is leading. If the primary role allows you to do something, a custom role will not be able to take this right away from you.

What does a custom role that a primary role does not do?

That is a very good question. Basically, custom roles are being used for various things. While primary roles are very good to manage larger groups of users, custom user roles will enable you to create and manage smaller user groups. You can even equip them with more detailed rights (or restrictions). The most important and common use cases are:

1. Access management in the control environment
While both handle a users'' access rights on a community, custom roles will enable you to define much more specifically which parts a user might have access to in the control environment.

2. Access management in the front-end
You can use custom roles to give people access / posting rights in subforums in the front-end.

3. Give users (or colleagues) specific ranks on your community


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  • Helper ⭐️
  • 163 replies
  • November 4, 2020

This is a cool article. However I cannot find in control where to access and edit primary user roles. Any change you guys could give me a hand? @Julian 

  • Author
  • Gainsight Employee ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 907 replies
  • November 4, 2020

Nothing easier than that. 🙂 This setting recently moved, it can now be found under [Settings] - [User roles]. We try to keep all content up-to-date, however there are many changes and much content. 🙂 So thanks a lot for flagging this, I have updated the description in the article.


Let me know if you need any other help with roles!

  • Helper ⭐️
  • 163 replies
  • November 4, 2020
Julian wrote:

Nothing easier than that. 🙂 This setting recently moved, it can now be found under [Settings] - [User roles]. We try to keep all content up-to-date, however there are many changes and much content. 🙂 So thanks a lot for flagging this, I have updated the description in the article.


Let me know if you need any other help with roles!

Thanks Julian, I figured it was somewhere else. I still can’t see where to edit primary roles. Or do I simply don’t have access to those? 



  • Author
  • Gainsight Employee ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 907 replies
  • November 4, 2020

The primary roles cannot be changed, they are the same for all communities. May I ask what you’d like to change about them specifically?

If you want a user to e.g. have Moderator rights, but deny access to certain areas within the Control Environment the Moderator primary role has access to, then you usually would do this via custom user roles and not change the primary user role.

  • Helper ⭐️
  • 163 replies
  • November 4, 2020

Well, there are a number of things I’d like to know, how many primary user roles does my community have? What are the names of these primary user roles? What do they have access to and what don’t? What if I want all registered users to have extra permissions? What if I want to change the names and titles of primary user roles? 

At the moment I can’t find that anywhere. cc @Julian 

  • Author
  • Gainsight Employee ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 907 replies
  • November 4, 2020

Ah, I see, thanks for the questions! Let me go through them one by one:


How many primary user roles does my community have?

The list above gives you a summary of the primary roles. If you want to know more about the share of e.g. registered users, then I’d recommend to to an all-time user export ([Analytics]-[Export]) as this includes this data. With e.g. a pivot table you can then learn more about how many users own which primary role.


What are the names of these primary user roles? 

Again the overview above will tell you that (click on the spoiler for the breakdown), but you can also see the list when looking at the drop-down menu located in the top-right on a user profile page in the Control Environment.


What do they have access to and what don’t?

The list in the spoiler should include more information on this. Let me know if there are specific questions around this!


What if I want all registered users to have extra permissions?

There are two main ways to automatically assign custom user roles: Via SSO login (if your community has a SSO enabled) a user can receive a custom user role directly after registration. But you can also do it without, by using ranks: Simply define a rank (usually the first rank, which every user with 0 activity will earn with the registration) and then activate “grant new role(s)” and select the custom user role you’d like to give. This role will not be removed again when their rank changes, unless you want this to happen (by activating “remove role(s)”.


What if I want to change the names and titles of primary user roles? 

I am not sure what benefit this would have, as the names are only for internal use and not user-facing. But let us know if you have a use case for this.

  • Helper ⭐️
  • 163 replies
  • November 4, 2020
Julian wrote:

Ah, I see, thanks for the questions! Let me go through them one by one:


How many primary user roles does my community have?

The list above gives you a summary of the primary roles. If you want to know more about the share of e.g. registered users, then I’d recommend to to an all-time user export ([Analytics]-[Export]) as this includes this data. With e.g. a pivot table you can then learn more about how many users own which primary role.


What are the names of these primary user roles? 

Again the overview above will tell you that (click on the spoiler for the breakdown), but you can also see the list when looking at the drop-down menu located in the top-right on a user profile page in the Control Environment.


What do they have access to and what don’t?

The list in the spoiler should include more information on this. Let me know if there are specific questions around this!


What if I want all registered users to have extra permissions?

There are two main ways to automatically assign custom user roles: Via SSO login (if your community has a SSO enabled) a user can receive a custom user role directly after registration. But you can also do it without, by using ranks: Simply define a rank (usually the first rank, which every user with 0 activity will earn with the registration) and then activate “grant new role(s)” and select the custom user role you’d like to give. This role will not be removed again when their rank changes, unless you want this to happen (by activating “remove role(s)”.


What if I want to change the names and titles of primary user roles? 

I am not sure what benefit this would have, as the names are only for internal use and not user-facing. But let us know if you have a use case for this.


That's a really comprehensive answer, thanks! I'll try to explain why I think this isn't ideal in my view. For starters I feel like it should be the community manager (of each community) the one deciding which the primary are roles and what permissions they have attached. 

I think the group where this becomes more evident is super users. This group would rarely need the same permissions from community to community so it should be up to the community team to determine what these folks can and cannot do - from a primary group point of view. 

Based on how that group is currently set up I imagine I'll never use it. I guess I just need to create a custom group to recreate whatever super user means for my community and then add that custom role to the registered member? 





  • Helper ⭐️
  • 163 replies
  • November 5, 2020

And here’s another scenario where I’d like a primary group to change. I don’t want the community team to be addressed as community managers, bur rather community builders or facilitators. If I wanted to do this, do I have to change the user title for each community team? Or can I simply edit the primary group name? thanks @Julian !

  • Author
  • Gainsight Employee ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 907 replies
  • November 5, 2020

Thanks for sharing your detailed feedback, really good points you are making there! We want to make the permissions more granular at one point (no concrete information when however). Adding functionality which allows you to adjust primary roles and their permissions would be a great fit for this project, I feel! I’ll share it with the team.

I know from some other communities that they also do not want to assign the Super user role due to the attached permissions. I personally don’t see that much of a risk as they are rather limited additional rights (no rate limiting / spam check & power to mark questions as solved), but we might get back to you to discover challenges here once we start working on this.

Now regarding the community team and how they are being displayed: The primary role itself actually will not control this at all: even as an Administrator I could also just own any rank or title that I want it to be in the front-end of my community.

Basically, there are two ways to achieve that:

Individual custom user title

In each user profile page, you can define a custom user title, which will then overwrite whatever would be displayed next to your username (usually the rank title):


Team ranks

The more efficient approach would be to create ranks that are matching the title which you want to give to members of the community team. Some communities even have an own, dedicated staff ranking structure next to the one for end users, to also motivate them to engage…


This solution is also what most communities are doing, they add a special rank to the top of the ranking structure for each group, and then only allow users to earn this rank if they have a primary role (e.g. Moderator):

Then, once you re-calculate your ranking structure, all team members will receive the rank that they should have. Of course you can then add any rank title that you like, and also define rank / username icons to go with it. So having your team show as “Community Builder” or something else is totally possible - the name of the primary role is much more only for internal reference…


Note: For such ranks, always set the rules to “0” for all events, as the role itself is the limitation for earning this rank. Also, locate it at the top of the list in the overview (otherwise these users will progress through your end user ranks and move up).


Hope this helps you further, let me know if there is anyhting!

  • Contributor ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 59 replies
  • June 8, 2021

I’m looking for a side by side comparison of the Primary Roles relative to the various permissions. Something like this - 

Also, just to confirm the custom roles sitting on top of primary role functionality, let’s say, for example, we want Unregistered / not logged in people to only see certain Categories. If that’s the case, we would create a Custom Role and then add that on top of the “Unregistered/not logged in” Primary Role? 

  • Helper ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 536 replies
  • June 8, 2021

Hi there @tiffany.oda !

I think I know where you’re going with this one. The first thing to know is that the Unregistered Primary Role is impossible to assign to anyone who’s logged in, and it’s also the only Primary Role that can be “assigned” to anonymous users, so to speak. Custom Roles cannot be used alongside the Unregistered one because there’d be no users to assign them to.

In this case, I suspect the easiest way to achieve what you’re after would be to set the private categories to be inaccessible to the Unregistered Primary Role and visible for any Primary and/or Custom Roles that you’d like to make them available for - and also making sure that any public categories are made visible to everyone across all roles. The global permissions on Primary Roles are generally fixed for the most part and can’t be modified, but you can mix up Custom Roles freely as much as you’d like to.

I hope this helps. :) If you still get stuck though, feel free to give us a shout.

  • Contributor ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 55 replies
  • February 3, 2022

Is there a way to restrict current actions (ask question, start discussion)?


For example… we are going to have a pubic community. But you have to be logged in to access our knowledge base guides. But we do not want our custom role user to be able to ask questions, comment or start discussion. Only to view that and view knowledge base. 



  • Gainsight Employee ⭐️⭐️
  • 36 replies
  • July 19, 2022

Hi @Hannah Bailey !


You can restrict those actions on a module-basis for Groups, Events, Ideas, and Product Updates. The these four modules, you can restrict access to the entire module based on the role (primary or custom).

For the Knowledge Base and Community, you can set permissions on the level of a child category, and you can also set permissions on seeing the category itself, creating new content, or replying to content.

This article does a great job explaining this in more detail and also provides additional content at the end, on how to create hidden parts of your community, for example.

Hope that helps! 🙂

hbailey1 wrote:

Is there a way to restrict current actions (ask question, start discussion)?


For example… we are going to have a pubic community. But you have to be logged in to access our knowledge base guides. But we do not want our custom role user to be able to ask questions, comment or start discussion. Only to view that and view knowledge base. 




  • Helper ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 344 replies
  • March 24, 2023

Could you review the article above to check if everything is still correct? As, for example, most of the “Appearance” functions have been moved to the frontend, I believe some permissions also have been affected. Whereas it says above that community managers don’t have “Appearance” permissions, I believe they can alter the appearance via the frontend customization. Also, I believe the permissions for moderators should be described more accurately and more in depth here, as inSided has made some changes some time ago and it is not very transparent as to which Control Panel areas are by default available to the “Moderator” role.

  • Helper ⭐️
  • 82 replies
  • October 30, 2023

I second @bjoern_schulze! Would love to know what changes there are to roles as it looks like the original article is 2 years old.

Also, I wanted to clarify a question - If you make a custom role in hopes to use your own internal company jargon, can that user still be granted ‘Admin’ rights?

  • Helper ⭐️⭐️
  • 134 replies
  • June 17, 2024

@Alistair FIeld which roles are able to Create New Articles and Schedule for Publish from control?

Zach B
  • Gainsight Employee ⭐️
  • 9 replies
  • June 20, 2024
security_lion wrote:

@Alistair FIeld which roles are able to Create New Articles and Schedule for Publish from control?

Hi @security_lion, A moderator, community manager or administrator can create, schedule and publish articles.

Daniele Cmty
  • Helper ⭐️⭐️
  • 273 replies
  • September 26, 2024



Hi there

Moderators have access to most of the features available in the Control Environment, but not to everything. They can moderate content, ban users, create and assign Post Fields, and much more. Check this announcement to see which areas Moderators can access and which not.



The attached article seems to be quite outdated, is it possible to get an up-to-date overview of what Moderators can / cannot do?

Daniele Cmty
  • Helper ⭐️⭐️
  • 273 replies
  • September 26, 2024

Hi there, I actually tested it out myself by logging in to the backend. I am sharing with you the settings that are available.


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Daniele Cmty
  • Helper ⭐️⭐️
  • 273 replies
  • September 26, 2024

Is it possible to give access to some other things to a Moderator, e.g. ability to view User Segments?

Daniele Cmty
  • Helper ⭐️⭐️
  • 273 replies
  • September 26, 2024

Kenneth R
  • Gainsight Community Manager
  • 424 replies
  • October 1, 2024

Hey @Daniele Cmty there isn’t a granular permission for Segments so in that case you’d need to upgrade the primary role to e.g. Community Manager.  You can, however, provide some additional permissions by creating an extra custom role (with certain permissions) and giving it to the Moderator.


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