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Overview of Control Home

  • 17 June 2024
  • 0 replies

This article introduces Control users (such as community managers and administrators) to the Control Home in Customer Communities.


Control Home brings all information and data that matters to community managers and administrators upfront. This home page is equipped with a variety of out of the box cards that empower control users to stay on top of all that is happening within their community

Key benefits to control users:

  • Faster Access to Insights: It serves as an action center where metrics that matter to community managers and administrators are available upfront.
  • Proactive Management: It provides immediate insights into areas needing attention for a healthy and vibrant community.

Control Home Widgets

The following table describes the widgets that are available out of the box in Control Home:

S.No. Widget Name Description
1 Summary

This widget provides an overview of the most important metrics such as New registrations, Unique visitors, and Posts created. Each metric is calculated using data from the last seven days and displays a comparison with the previous seven-day period. 

Click each metric to navigate to the User Dashboard, Audience Dashboard, and Content Dashboard pages.

2 Content Overview

This widget provides quick access to everything related to content in the community. The content is further categorized by the Unread by team, Spam, and Reported tabs. 

Click View all unread by team to navigate to the Overview page.

3 Pending This widget provides easy access to the Group, Posts, and Users requests pending for approval.
4 Popular

This widget lists Topics and Categories gaining the most traction in the last seven days. 

Click View all popular topics and View all popular categories to navigate to the Content Dashboard page.

5 Recents

This widget provides an overview of recently registered Users, posted Articles, Ideas, and Product Updates.

Click View all users, View all articles, and View all ideas buttons to navigate to the User Overview, Content Overview, and Ideas pages respectively.

6 Drafts This widget provides a list of active drafts related to Product Updates and Articles.
7 Leaderboard

This widget provides the list of top five community users ranked by their points.

Click View all users to navigate to the User Dashboard page.

Control Home showing key metrics like new registrations, unique visitors, and posts created, along with sections for content overview, pending requests, popular topics, recent activities, drafts, and leaderboard.

Customize Control Home

Community managers and administrators can customize their Control Home to show only those widgets which are relevant to their daily roles and responsibilities. To customize:

  1. In Home, click Customize. The Customize window appears.
  2. Clear the checkboxes on widgets to remove them from Control Home.
  3. Drag-and-drop the widgets to change their order of appearance.
  4. (Optional) Click Reset to Default to restore the default settings.
  5. Click Apply.


  • Any changes to the Control Home dashboard are limited to the logged in control user’s account.
  • The Summary widget is always placed at the top. Its position cannot be changed.
Customize dashboard settings with options to show, hide, and rearrange cards like Summary, Content Overview, Popular, Recents, Pending, Drafts, and Leaderboard.

If you have any queries or feedback, please feel free to drop an email to or post a reply to this article.

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