I’d really like to see a consistent filtering experience across every feature in Gainsight. I know this might be asking a lot, but right now the experience is so disjointed across so many different features, why not just shoot for the moon right off the bat?
Also, I know there is a similar post to this about making filtering options uniform - i.e. including “next N days” on every filter, but I believe my post is a little more comprehensive.
I’ll start by saying there are so many filters across the Gainsight platform that there’s a good chance I’ve missed a few examples. Please add anything I missed in the comments! But here’s what I’ve come up with thus far:
Rules Engine list
Data Management
Data Permissions
Journey Orchestrator Programs
Journey Orchestrator Emails
Global Timeline
Success Plans
Gainsight Home
Report Builder
I think the most efficient way to do this is to break it down by issue, which includes the following:
Inconsistent icons
Some filtering experiences show a filter icon, some show “modify filter”, some show “advanced filter” etc.
Inconsistent formatting
This is a big one. First of all, some filters show everything in alphabetical order - i.e. our “CSM” lookup is sandwiched between “CSAT Last Updated” and “City” whereas in other areas all the lookups appear at the bottom of the list.
In some areas such as Data Steward and Data Permission, the format is especially ugly, plus only a few fields are initially available to use as filters. To add more, you have to individually add fields in an obscure area of the module.
In most modules, the filtering screen shows up on the right side, but on some (e.g. success plans and cockpit) it shows up center-left.
Extra clicks
In Data Management and the Rules Engine in particular, you have to click “Add Filter” right after you click on the Filter icon. Why?? Clicking on the filter icon should just automatically bring up the filter screen.
As mentioned above, having to add fields in areas such as Data Permissions and Data Steward is very cumbersome.
“Views” vs. Filters
This is something I’ve never noticed until recently, but it’s confusing and sometimes limiting. For example, in the Rules Engine, we’re able to choose “All Rules” “Horizon Rules” “Bionic Rules” “Active Rules” and “Inactive Rules” in the dropdown right above the list of rules. The filter screen gives us some more options, such as “source object,” “target object,” etc. However, there is no filter option for “active vs. inactive” or “horizon vs. bionic”, so when I recently tried to simply filter my rules list to find all my inactive bionic rules, I wasn’t able to! This is crazy. Can’t we unify this somehow?
Inconsistent Operators
The Rules Engine does not offer an “exclude” option, for example. This can be quite limiting. Sometimes I find myself needing this but having to settle instead for checking rules individually.
In Data Permissions, for example, the UI of the operators just look completely different than other areas of the product.
And now, I’ll include some screenshots with some captions that hopefully illustrate some of the issues/frustrations expressed above.
I had to record a GIF on this one. Timeline is the only place I found where it actually has BOTH the alphabetical formatting of fields AND the lookups clustered at the bottom depending on which object you source.
The dropdown experience here seems odd. Why not just keep the filtering experience consistent and have a filter icon that pops up on the right side of the screen?Another Data Management screenshot, this time from the “Data” tab. Note the alphabetical field layout again. Also, once you click the filter icon, it brings you to another blank white screen that says “add filter,” which is redundant and an extra unnecessary click.This is a Journey Orchestrator email screenshot. Note that this type of experience seems to be unique to this screen where there’s a dropdown like this. Again with the inconsistency.
JO Programs. Where does the purple ABCD box format come from?? This doesn’t appear anywhere else in the product. Also, again with the dropdown filters rather than a filter icon that pops up on the right side of the screen.As mentioned above, the Rules Engine does not offer an “excludes” filter, which would be super useful.As far as I can tell, Gainsight Home is the only place in the product where “Modify Filter” appears. Also, it shows the fields in alphabetical order, rather than cluster the lookup fields at the bottom.This might be the worst one. Success Plans have very limited filter options - i.e. in the Global Success Plan screen, I can’t filter on any Company field or really any field at all except the limited ones offered in the dropdowns. What’s the point of even having this page? Also, the dropdown format is inconsistent with the other ones shown above (JO Programs, MDA, etc.)Unlike Success Plans, Global Cockpit does offer the standard filtering options. However, that screen comes up in the center left of the screen rather than the right side, which is inconsistent with almost every other area of the product.This is from Data Steward. Clearly the format is totally screwed up. Also, there are no lookups available, and only a limited number of fields. If you want to add more fields, you have to go to an obscure page within that module to add them. Why??Similar to Data Steward, you have to add fields manually in order to have them available in Data Permissions. Also, the UI of the operators are totally different than everywhere else in the product (i.e. “in” and “nin” and even != where it’s otherwise spelled out as “not equal to.”This is from User Management. You just kind of have to know to click on that “A System Type in External, Internal” box after you click the upper right filter icon. Not intuitive at all. Also the fields are all alphabetical again.In order, this is the screenshot of Report Builder, Dashboard Builder, and Rules Engine. I don’t understand why we even need “views” like this in Admin screens. I get it for cockpit and Timeline where we might want to create views for our end users or end users might want to have easy-to-use views that they can quickly navigate to. But for Admins, this concept is useless. Just make it something we can filter on because it’s (a.) redundant and (b.) can actually be limiting - refer to my example above about not being able to filter on Inactive Bionic Rules.
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