Hi Team,
Currently, our JO both Old and New programs don’t allow the Field to Field comparison in the Evaluate and Conditional Wait steps either for Audience or Calculated fields; like how we allow it in the Report builder (see the 2nd Screenshot)
Use Case: There are accounts that regularly have a change of data in fields, let’s take CSM field as an example; on Day 1, I sent an email with CSM Name as “ABC” later if the CSM gets changed for that account to “XYZ”, then in that case I wish to send my subsequent emails to receive a different contextual email template altogether, but I can only send a different Template if I can evaluate if the CSM of that particular account is changed by comparing it with the initially loaded participant CSM value. Had I known that account CSM i can simply pass it as value in Evaluate step, but since each account have a different CSM then I can manually choose to create multiple branches.
Had I have the option to compare the current CSM field (taken from Calculated field) and check with the Participant CSM field in Evaluate by comparing on field to field basis i would be able to achieve my use case
Note: Although I can use calculated fields, but I can’t dynamically evaluate the value coming from Calculated field with Participant field
Existing Evaluate or Conditional Step functionality only allows to pass static values:

Field to Field comparison in Report builder
