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Update Email to Timeline sync logic to ignore To/From email direction

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  • cameron_wright
  • kate_green
  • sagan_sherlin
  • darkknight


Wasn’t sure what to call this post :thinking:


Anyways, I learned recently that when you are using Email to Timeline, Gainsight considers the direction of the email when trying to associate the email to a Company. Here are the details I got from GS:

  • If you are logging a sent email, meaning you sent an email to a customer and trying to log that to the TimelineGainsight checks the 'Company Person/Relationship Person' objects to see if the contacts you are sending the email to are available there. If they are, the Email is logged to Timeline accordingly. Else the Email is pushed to Drafts. 
  • If you are logging a received email, meaning you are trying to log an Email to Timeline that you receivedGainsight checks the 'from' address contacts. If the person whom you received the email from is part of the 'Company Person/Relationship Person' then the Email is logged. Else it pushes the Email to draft. 

I understand why this logic is in place, however this causes many of our team’s emails to go to draft when collaborating with other internal users & the customer. Ideally for us, Gainsight would ignore the direct of the email and simply consider all of the emails in the To/From lines. If all but one of the emails are in the Users object, and the last email is in the Company Person object, we should assume the User emails are ‘Internal Attendees’ and the other email is an ‘External Attendee’.


Here is an example:

  • CSM is copied on an email that the Account Manager sends to a customer contact.
    • The CSM is a full Gainsight user. The Account Manager is an Internal Collaborator Gainsight user. The customer contact is in the Company Person object.
  • If the CSM syncs the email they received from the AM into Timeline, it will get logged to drafts because the ‘From’ contact is not in Company Person (instead they are an Internal Collab user).
  • CSM has to log in to Gainsight to manually resolve all drafts.

This issue could also be resolved if the CSMs could resolve drafts directly in Gainsight Assist w/ a Company search pop-up (similar to how you resolve drafts when a contact is associated to multiple Companies, but we want this to pop up when Gainsight can’t immediately find ANY associations instead of having to login to resolve).

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