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New Idea

Active Multi-currency Conversation for Non Aggregated Tables

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  • johnny_burtchaell
  • andr_raposo
  • narayanan_s
  • kevin_ly
  • spencer_engel
  • Jaya
  • kumaranbcak
  • ivalouk

In our reports builder and rules currency type fields do convert when you aggregate. All it takes is to perform a SUM aggregation for that field.

In reports, SUM on the Currency Field when it is pivoted by a field in the "By" Section would also convert values. However, given a tabular report with nothing in the by, you will get the non aggregated data value.

Also, if the report is already pivoted to a column chart or etc, drilling into a column that sums currency, drill down table will show the raw value of the currency instead of a converted value. This is an issue and it would be really nice if we can check a box that says "Convert Currency Fields".

The around is to use rules and push values around, but that can be a real hassle, especially when a dashboard has to be made.

5 replies

  • Gainsight Employee ⭐️⭐️
  • 533 replies
  • April 24, 2017
Kevin - What do you mean by conversion in "Convert Currency Fields"?  Converting what to what?  Are you referring to MDA or SFDC?

  • Author
  • Helper ⭐️
  • 76 replies
  • April 24, 2017
Hey Denise, for example in SFDC for an opportunity in JPY I can convert that into the corporate currency stated in my org via Gainisight rules into USD. I want to be able to do that in reports without performing an aggregation. So we are converting a foreign currency to a common currency in a report and have dashboards in one currency instead of a mix.

For now I would say SFDC reports that don't do aggregations on currency field, such as reports using just the "Show me" section and drill down tables.

Hello Kevin, we started tracking this and will put it in the roadmap at a future time. Will update here accordingly.

Agree. Our SFDC currency is US Dollars

For my dashboards, if i'm showing "Renewal ACV" summed per month, it will be in US dollars. When I click the graph to drill deeper, that same "Renewal ACV" field will not be auto-converted into US dollars. Gainsight is grabbing whatever currency is on the opportunity. If it happens to be a foreign currency, it does not auto-convert to US Dollars. 

Our SFDC Reports have the option to add a Currency Conversion field, it would be great if Gainsight could also add a currency conversion...

  • Helper ⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • 281 replies
  • February 3, 2020
venky_reddy_k wrote:

Hello Kevin, we started tracking this and will put it in the roadmap at a future time. Will update here accordingly.

Hello Everyone!

Super Exciting News!!! Gainsight now supports Multi-Currency feature for new NXT customers. New NXT customers who onboard Gainsight NXT after the V6.10 Release, can enable the Multi-Currency feature to support multiple currencies across Gainsight. When Admins enable the Multi-Currency feature, various related changes are visible across Gainsight functionalities.

For existing customers who are using single-currency support, we're developing a migration framework to upgrade you to Multi-Currency. We will upgrade customers in batches over the next few months. If you have any questions, please contact your Gainsight Client Outcomes Manager (COM).

Happy Posting.

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