Recently I’ve found the need to mass update user email addresses and usernames. Long story. Anyway, the users with corresponding SFDC profiles are no problem now because I can update UN and email with SFDC User ID as the identifier in the Connector sync (yay!). However, when I tried my hand at writing a quick rule to update the UN and Email for non-SFDC users I hit a wall: apparently you MUST still use Username as an identifier in Update actions to the User object (boo!).
This really stings because instead of running this rule that took all of 5 minutes to set up, I get to update four dozen users by hand. I’m sure it could have been worse but man, this would be easier if I could use a rule. For the record, I am attempting to use GSID as my identifier in the user which is, like, THE primary and immutable identifier for a single user profile in Gainsight.
So, I’d like to suggest that you remove the requirement to use Username as an identifier to allow people to mass update UN’s via a rule.