We use custom roles mainly to segment our users. It helps me search the user list, and change ranks and permissions in some cases, but I also sometimes use them as labels, with exactly the same permissions as a regular user.
I can see much more potential for this feature when it’s used this way, especially for automation and reporting.
- Custom roles for reporting. Exported user reports don’t separate custom roles from other roles, so I can’t sort a spreadsheet by custom role without a lot of other manual work ahead of time to ignore the other roles. I added a custom profile field (user type) for this sorting reason, but it’s essentially a duplicate of the custom roles, which I use in some cases for rank change and some permissions.
- Custom roles in analytics dashboards. I would love to have custom role stats included in my dashboard, so I can see how many users of each type are joining, active, etc. Right now I do this manually (as discussed above).
- Custom role as trigger for automated actions. For example, I want to automate welcome emails per user type (ie, per custom role) which isn’t possible at the moment.