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Customer is requesting to add blue color in Grading scheme of Scorecards 2.0.

They are requesting to use the more colors as of it is in Scorecard 1.0

Yes please! We need to addition of Orange, and Black as well.
@CandaceMarie,  Are the existing color not sufficient ?

Do you have any other use-case which is not solved with the existing color's?
Is this something that is possible?

We have customers that want to use their own business colors. Its not a critical use case, the client is just looking to add in some of their branding.

Hi Jean,

Thanks for sharing this. So its more about choosing any color (from kindof a colorpicker) and not that they want to have more granularity within their scorcard colors? But wouldnt it be confusing for user if a healthy customer was blue (vs green?)

No, it won't be confusing to any users. They want to be able to have blue, yellow, red. Having the ability to select any color from a picker would be great!

I have a client who would like to use a maroon or other dark color to manually identify known loss in their sentiment scores. The current Red and Dark Red colors are so close that it is hard to tell the difference between the two.

Wanted to bump this up as well. Was talking with customer where they wanted to ability to use custom colors that apply specifically to their organization.

+1 to enhanced color picker. Received requests from my executive team to make Yellow actually look yellow. It currently looks more beige/tan.

Would love more colors. We would like Black to indicate a customer has confirmed churned and wont have an RYG score

Would love more colors. We would like Black to indicate a customer has confirmed churned and wont have an RYG score

@andreammelde looks valid for me. But introducing multiple colours wouldn’t be a confusion?

@shantan_reddy can answer this better!

Hi everyone,
We are planning on providing an enhanced color picker with more colors soon. Most likely, it will be available in Q1.




@sai_ram I don’t think it would add confusion if it is defined by our team. I think colors that tend to not align (purple, blue etc) may be confusing outside your company, but if it is defined in our company it should not be an issue. Black is fairly consistent to be “churned” for us, so having this added wouldn’t be confusing

@andreammelde Got you! We have added this to our road-map, I will update here once it is considered for release.

@sai_ram Hi Sai! Looking around for this exact post! Is there any update on this?  This would be amazing for our Scorecard Redesign we’re doing!

@sai_ram Hi Sai! Looking around for this exact post! Is there any update on this?  This would be amazing for our Scorecard Redesign we’re doing!

@shantan_reddy could you pl provide an update here?

@sagan_sherlin We have a few other things queued up, and regrettably, we will not be able to pick this up in the next couple of quarters. Sorry about the inconvenience.




Is there any update on this? I have been with multiple organizations where this has been a massive issue without any work around. This functionality has been present in Salesforce forever. I dont see why a simple color selector cannot be implemented quickly. 

We want colors!!!!!!

@perry_rogers_10158d We will get to it as soon as we can. For the past several quarters, we have been very busy with revamp of the various areas within scorecard. Once we are done with it, we will begin clearing some of such backlog areas. We expect this functionality to be available about 2-3 quarters from now.

Sorry for the inconvenience.




This. We need this! There are several use cases that fall outside traditional RYG that revolve around the business needs/process. In the grand picture of Gainsight functionality, this is a really small thing that we should be able to configure to our business/client choosing. This reminds me of the NPS colors defaulting to Red, blue and gray. I had to create a custom color map at our Score Type object to basic RYG so promoters didn’t show up as red. More colors please! 

FYI @ChiragJ