Feature Request: Allow toggling on of Auto-Capture to Timeline of incoming customer emails within Gmail / Outlook
Within Gmail and Outlook, the current GS Assist functionality requires the CSM to reply/send an email and then select the “Log to Timeline” button in order to log any email to timeline. There are a few improvements that would make CSMs lives much easier:
- Click a button to log an email. Rather than requiring the CSM to send an email or reply to the customer, many times simply logging what they have received is all that is required.
- Auto-capture of Incoming Customer emails and email replies: This is especially useful for a Scaled/Pooled CS team and organizations that want ALL communication captured in Timeline, not just what a CSM deems as important.
- Auto-capture of JO replies: Allow Advanced JO to track whether a customer replies to an email to fire off an action (CTA, AI response, etc.). This could open up a number of new Digital CS workflows.
There are definite complexities that would need to be figured out, but this could be an incredibly useful feature.