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We have recently found several dozen examples of emails that bounced in Journey Orchestrator, but show as valid using the Email Validator tool in Gainsight.  This is a huge product gap, as the only way to clear these emails, is to create a Gainsight ticket and have Send Grid remove the bounce.  Furthermore, bounced emails are dropped from Programs, so subsequent CTAs are not created in the Journey even thought he CTA does not need to use a valid email address.  Possible solutions to address all these problem statements:

  1. Fix email validator so we can clear bounced emails without opening a Gainsight ticket
  2. Allow bounced emails to continue on a Journey instead of dropping.  This could be a different path on the same Journey, for example, if email bounced, create CTA to CSM and conditional wait for valid email or CTA Closed, then return to program start
  3. Allow a different uniqueness criteria for bounced emails so they can re-join the Program sooner than other program statuses

Gainsight ticket for reference: 171864

@anirbandutta tagging you in some posts with 1 or more vote and no status based on this blog: 


Any updates here?

Personally, would love to see options 2 & 3, but 1 would be good too!

Possible solutions to address all these problem statements:

  1. Fix email validator so we can clear bounced emails without opening a Gainsight ticket
  2. Allow bounced emails to continue on a Journey instead of dropping.  This could be a different path on the same Journey, for example, if email bounced, create CTA to CSM and conditional wait for valid email or CTA Closed, then return to program start
  3. Allow a different uniqueness criteria for bounced emails so they can re-join the Program sooner than other program statuses

It’d be great to be able to make a CTA library and have a “bounced email” CTA that we could easily plug in to our JOs after every program runs that makes sure the bounced email is addressed at the time the bounce occurs, not when someone finally notices an email has bounced after the fact.