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End User Notification Settings for Each Type of System Email

Related products: CC Notifications & Subscriptions

IMO there should be an end-user controlled toggle for every type of system email with the core* community experience. 

*one time transactional emails like these are outside that core experience: 

  • Account approved
  • Activate account
  • Reset password
  • Welcome to the Community
  • When a user clicks an unsubscribe variable, it should toggle that setting OFF, rather than permanently block them from getting that type of email (see linked idea above). 
  • When a user toggles this setting ON, it should also apply to corresponding buttons on landing pages (Product Updates, Events)

This would allow the end user to always control their own preferences. Currently, if they use an unsubscribe variable, there is neither a way for them to fix it themselves in these settings, nor a way for an admin to support them. 

Currently missing from end user notification settings:

  • New Product Update 
  • New Event 
  • Is your problem solved?
  • Join a group

And, of course, this idea would require any net new system emails to be added to end user settings as well. Like this one: 


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