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New Idea

Enhanced Controls and Tracking for Hotspot and Badge Engagements (Guides)

Related products:PX Engagements
  • 22 October 2024
  • 1 reply


Use Case: As multiple new modules have been introduced to the platform, there is a need to highlight these elements and provide users with contextual guidance. To do this, we would like to use hotspots with associated tooltips that offer quick insights. Additionally, we want these hotspots to trigger any relevant guides, enabling users to have a flexible, self-directed experience. The intention is to have multiple hotspots and guides displayed simultaneously, allowing users to interact with different aspects of the new modules in a cohesive manner.

  • Hotspots are preferred due to:
    • The pulsating display that draws user attention
    • The ability to control the qualification scope, offering greater flexibility in defining when and how they appear to targeted end users.
    • The capacity to track user activity and engagement for hotspots and guides (PX Analytics > In App Performance), ensuring insights and accurate measurement of user interactions.

Limitations: Currently, PX does not support displaying multiple hotspots or guide engagements at the same time. The workaround is to use badges, which can be displayed simultaneously, but this approach presents several challenges:

  • Qualification Scope - Qualification scope for badges is limited. If the interaction type is “Click,” badges can only qualify Once. If the interaction type is “Hover,” they qualify Always. The Qualification Scope for badges cannot be further adjusted.
  • Tracking - there is no functionality to track user activity or engagement for guide engagements that consist of only a Badge + Tooltip, which significantly reduces visibility into user behavior.

Proposed Solution: to address the current limitations, the following updates are proposed for Badge and Hotspot functionality in PX: 

  1. Simultaneous display of Hotspots (Guides) - allow multiple hotspots and their associated guides to appear on the same page at the same time. This would enable users to explore and interact with multiple new features/modules without being restricted to a sequential experience. By offering parallel access to different elements, users can choose which modules/elements to engage with based on their needs, contributing to a more flexible and personalized user experience. 
  2. Expanded Badge Qualification Scope Options - increase flexibility for badge qualifications. Introduce more granular qualification rules for badges beyond the current “Once” for Click and “Always” for hover. This facilitates greater flexibility and ensures badges appear at the right moments, improving user engagement and preventing information overload. 
  3. Improved Tracking for Badges + Tooltips - enable detailed tracking for guides that use only a Badge + Tooltip, allowing user activity and engagement to be fully captured and reported. Currently this interaction is not trackable, leaving a gap in understanding relevant user behavior. Tracking capaiblities would enable us to capture important insights, improving product adoption strategies and decision making. 

These enhancements would provide greater control over user engagement, enhance tracking capabilities, and create a more flexible, user-driven experience.

  • Contributor ⭐️⭐️
  • December 11, 2024

My use case is for for badges 
We are using them as links to Help docs 
So I am creating badge, and in the tool tip I am adding the link 
It would be great if I could have stats on click on the link there and/ or click on the badge 

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