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HTML to style the Event Date/Time in the System Emails for New Events

IMO, 2025-01-31T12:00:00-05:00 is pretty brutal for the {event_time} variable in the new event system emails. 

Is it possible to style it to a simpler date format via HTML? Even just 2025-01-31 would be an improvement. 

Thanks @DannyPancratz, working on it as we speak!

Awesome @Sebastian. Are you looking to improve the feature or provide HTML so we could do it on our own? 

Right now, we’re going to make sure that the date and time will be conveyed in a generic format, so eg. 12 September 2024 at 1:00PM CET (where the time and the timezone will be the one selected when creating the event). The reason we can’t make it render in the user’s timezone or geography, is because when sending the email, we don’t know what their location and language is. 

If you have any other thoughts or input, feel free to share!

That sounds like a perfect enhancement! 

It’s what I expected to see from the variable. 

Is there an estimated timeline (ASAP, a few weeks, etc --- understanding that such dev is fluid, subject to change, etc). I ask bc this sounds like it’s already in development. 

About to start development, so I’d say within a couple of days.

Awesome! This post should probably be converted to an idea then. And it can be updated to delivered soon!!!