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Admin Office Hours - 7/11/19

Hi everyone, this thread is for our Thursday Admin Office Hours session, which will be held Thursday, July 11, 2019. Submit your questions to this thread, and we'll address them during our session at 11am PT / 12pm MT / 1pm CT / 2pm ET.

There is no need to register for the sessions. If you have a question, please post below or join the meeting. I will go in order of posts below or joining the session. Thanks!

Conference Details

You can also dial in using your phone.

United States: +1 (872) 240-3412

Access Code: 493-151-677

I was able to report on all opportunities within the custom range by fiscal quarter. However, within the report, there are blank values with fiscal quarters (i.g. Q1-21) outside of the custom range.

Please provide guidance on the removal of these values. I tried filter "opportunity name" != null and MRR != null.

Given some mergers/acquisitions of accounts in Salesforce, we have a few accounts that have multiple versions of the account in GainSight but the same user experience. When I pulled a report at the customer account level, there is varying data at different version of account (namely the relationship data seems to be housed on one version while the account level data is on the other). I'm looking to understand the implications for deletion.

Hi @acote - have you looked into our data anomalies documentation?

Thanks! That's very helpful - I just have a few questions follow ups I'll ask in office hours.
