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Admin Office Hours - April 7th, 2016

  • 4 April 2016
  • 7 replies

This thread is for the Admin Office Hours session for Thursday April 7th, 2016.  Submit your questions to this thread and we'll add them to our topics list below!


To register for this session, please click here.

Current Topic List:

  • TBD
Post-session, we will update this article with a summary of answered questions and link portions of the video for those who could not attend
I'm guessing you mean April 7th, not 17th.
Correct and thanks!  Updated!
Hi - I tried clicking on the link to register for the session, but the link doesn't seem to be active. Is there connection details?
It looks as if the link didn't get attached, I have updated it and it works now. Sorry about that!
Thanks - I have two main questions: One around Power List criteria - best practices for managing many elements. The other is about emails in rules, creating and reporting on activity. I look forward to talking to you soon!
I'd like to discuss this if we have time:
My apologies - i just realized the time is earlier than I thought and I have a conflict. I will try to join another.
