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 A very unique and exclusive opportunity


What - An internal Focus Group session showcasing design ideas for the new Horizon Experience coming to the C/R360

When - Friday, December 18 at 11AM Eastern / 8AM Pacific
Who - 5 individuals willing to actively participate and share their unabashed points of view in response to what the new C360 will look like

How - first 5 people who direct message me 



I would like to participate.

@andrew_cummins @gunjanm @Intuitive_Geneva @jean.nairon @john_apple @darkknight @heather_hansen @ana_g @andreammelde @HollySimmons 


Tagged you in case you’re interested in providing early design feedback on our new C/R360 blueprints.

@dan_ahrens count me in :)

@dan_ahrens  yes I am interested.

@dan_ahrens Would love to!

Yes, please

@heather_hansen @andrew_cummins - please DM me your email info please. Thanks.

DM’d! Hope there’s still a spot @dan_ahrens I would LOVE to join this to help provide some feedback to help our team (cc @lindseyyoung5 @foster.sean92 )

End Proctoring-

Count me in! 

Thanks everyone who sent me a DM with your info. We’ve got a full contingent for this session, but keep on the lookout as we’re going to be doing more of these in 2021!
