February 23rd - Webinar - Q4 CS Release Key Features

  • 24 February 2023
  • 3 replies

Userlevel 6
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  • Gainsight Employee: Veteran Rookie
  • 29 replies

In this edition of Crank Up Technicalities webinar we’re excited to share how the latest product enhancements can simplify the experience of CSMs, CS Managers and improve the efficiency of GS Admins! We will cover the admin workflow, best practices and use cases for the below topics;

  • Real-time sync between SFDC & GS
  • JO emails to timeline
  • Manual Person Merge
  • OOOTB Account Based Forecasting


3 replies

Badge +4

There was a question asked during the Webinar that was not answered.
If we go into an existing JO program and mark an email to Log to Timeline. Will “re-publishing” that program cause new emails to go out? Or will it just apply to new emails that send?

Userlevel 6
Badge +3

@kieston, Enabling ‘log to timeline’ for past JO programs will only add the new emails sent after republish to the timeline. Email will be sent to the new participants after republish.
Hope that answers your query. Let me know if you have a follow up.

Userlevel 6
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Here’s the recording and the deck (attached) used for this session;

Recording: Link
