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I’m excited to share we will be having a Customer Success Office Hours on Success Snapshots February 24th at 11am PST. During our time, we will go over:

  • Use Cases for Success Snapshots
  • What to consider when creating Success Snapshots
  • Technical areas of Success Snapshots.

Join us on Zoom! Prefer a calendar invite? Leave a comment and we’ll ensure you get added to the calendar invite.


Want to get a jump start on Success Snapshots? Here are some resources to help:

Gainsight University Courses on Success Snapshots



Please add me to the invite-thanks!

Please add me to the invite!  Thank you!

the link for Zoom is not working for me. Will this be recorded and shared?

Thank you for the session yesterday. A couple of questions I didn’t get to ask. When adding tokens to a table, the text isn’t nicely formatted as it shows up exactly how it’s entered into the rich text area in the program. Is there a way to automatically clean it up so the CSM doesn’t have to reformat when the snapshot is exported? Also, I noticed a limitation that you cannot have more than 5 tables in the deck and we have way more than that. What would it take to remove that limitation? 


Thank you to those who were able to join yesterday. You can find the recording here


@rahul_prayakarao Can you help with @jbeker question above?

@jbeker Regarding text formatting, this usually happens when the admin copy pastes HTML content. We were having some trouble cleaning that type of content. But we are changing our editor section and there will be a few major enhancements. Tentatively these are being aligned to be released in Q2.
Also, there should not be any limit on the number of reports you can add to a Snapshot right now.

This is the limitation:


@jbeker - the limitation is for treating tables as individual cells. This is a recent enhancement and I am glad you are utlizing this. Can I know the use cases for which you are using this?

Also would like to know the maximum such tables you are planning to incorporate within a Success Snapshot.

@rahul_prayakarao For my purposes, we have 2 tables in the upper right corner of each slide that shows basic information such as CSM, Director, Health Score, ARR, etc… Each of my slides also has a table in the main part that has all of the information we want to show on a slide. For my current deck, I need to do 9 tables, but I can see that number going up over time so would suggest taking it to 30 to be safe. 
