Special Gainsight Home-Specific Office Hours! - 7/27/21 - 1 p.m. PT

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Hello everyone!

This thread is for our special Gainsight Home-specific Thursday Admin Office Hours session on Tuesday, July 27, 2021 at 1pm PT / 2pm MT / 3pm CT / 4pm ET. 

Please submit your questions below as replies to this post in advance if you can, and we'll address them during the session (or if there’s a quick answer available, we’ll post as replies to the questions).

There is no need to register for these sessions - you can join at any time. Once the session is underway, I will go in order of questions posted below first, then field questions from anybody else who has joined as well. Look forward to talking with you!

Conference Details (Zoom):

Tuesday, July 27, 2021 at 1pm PT / 2pm MT / 3pm CT / 4pm ET

Join Zoom Meeting:



Meeting ID: 939 7249 7920

Password: F7msaSQ3


For dial-in info by your location, find your local number:


19 replies


Will there be a quick demo on Gainsight Home to kick off the call?

Userlevel 7
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@spencer_engel adding some questions for the Home office hours, in no particular order:


  • How do I as an admin know if something is available for an admin to use?
    • Meaning, what makes something eligible to be available on the Home area or not?
      • Especially attributes, but also fields on the Company object, or what objects are available.
    • Can attributes be added by admins somehow?
  • How do I know if something is available for an end-user to use?
    • Is there a way to restrict the availability of certain reports/widgets/attributes etc?
  • Can you pin/lock sections of Home you don't want end-users to customize/move/modify/delete?
  • How does GS Home impact Dependencies?
    • If a certain field/widget/attribute is used in the admin published version I can easily delete it - but will it register as a dependency? Additionally, if an attribute/widget etc. is consumed on one or more end-user customized versions of GS Home and it needs to be altered or deleted will that create a dependency and (more importantly) will that dependency be traceable to the particular configuration(s) it appears in as well as force deleted?
    • Renewal Center has a similar problem where custom views cause dependencies, but there is neither a traceback nor force delete option.
  • How can admins have visibility on what is being used/what by the end-users?
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Part II

Is there any update/ETA on functionality requests such as this


and this


The ability to leverage drill downs in the summary ribbon and links to company/ctas etc. are key.

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Part III


For the “add on” product widgets (Adoption Explorer, Renewal Center, Customer Experience), at least from an RC perspective you can, for example, customize the fields that show up in the Waterfall Drill down report. 

The question is - where do these configurations inherit their show fields from?

RC allows the customization of the Waterfall widget in individual RC “Analyze” views meaning a single user could have 50 versions of the waterfall widget. Is one selected at random and those show fields are displayed in Home?

Are there simply a set of default fields shown, regardless of how RC itself is configured?

Can the “add on product” widgets be configured independently from their parent product? At least using the Waterfall example, it does not appear customizable in Home at all - hence my questions on where the defaults come from.

My examples are from Renewal Center as I’m more familiar with it, but generally I’d want to know if the behavior is the same across the different products, or if each behaves differently, and if so, how.

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Part IV

Are there plans to enable changing the size of the widget widget? 


It gets a bit dicey once you add in reports.


On that subject - are there any plans to honor report folders? I know you can search up there at the top but if end users are seeing this it would probably help if there was some modicum of organization.



Are there any plans to enhance visibility on which fields are editable by end users? It’s not really obvious but 3 of these 4 are editable.


Userlevel 7
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Part V


Are there plans to unify the state preservation experience that the Horizon Analytics Dashboards are bringing to the table, in GS Home? I’m referring mainly to this 


as well as the ability to re-set your filter changes similar to how you would a dashboard.


Along those lines - is there a way as an admin to force a refresh or re-set? I don’t know how that would work when everyone can have a custom view, but at some point admins may need to just nuke all customizations. I can see a recursion of the same types of problems the current legacy dashboards have when an admin changes something, resulting in broken reports/widgets for end users.


Along those lines, is there a way for admins to “lock” global filters? This would also be on par with the new HA dashboards.


With these questions and those in Part I, I’m envisioning some issues troubleshooting when everyone has their own view and I won’t have the ability to reset GS Home en masse.

Userlevel 1
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Hi Spencer, 

I can’t get this rule to run. It looks like everything is in place, but the action just doesn’t pull anything through. Looking for a little guidance.



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Question asked during the session: 

Do the global filters for Gainsight Home work for all reports, including those made from data spaces? Or do the reports have to be built off of the company object? 


It looks like, when you were testing it, you got an error message stating that there was no company ID available. Is this intentional? Or will it be a fast follow? 

Userlevel 7
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@spencer_engel or @sai_ram many of my questions are at this point seemingly product requests - What’s the best way to have these tracked? From the office hours Scott mentioned he would follow up with some more answers but there is quite a bit and not sure how best to manage/have visibility in the long-term.

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Will you post and send an email to those on the call when the recording from today, 7/27, GS Home, recording is available?

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@spencer_engel or @sai_ram any update on the feedback on here?

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@bradley were these ideas that were discussed live on the office hours call or submitted separately? We’ve also launched a new tool for Product Managers to better capture and track product enhancement ideas at Gainsight. Right now it’s internal, but we’re planning to roll this out to the customer community in about a month or so. 

Userlevel 7
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@bradley were these ideas that were discussed live on the office hours call or submitted separately? We’ve also launched a new tool for Product Managers to better capture and track product enhancement ideas at Gainsight. Right now it’s internal, but we’re planning to roll this out to the customer community in about a month or so. 

@dan_ahrens As far as my posts go they were submitted prior to the call. Some were discussed/mentioned in the call but only a small amount. We were told there would be some follow up on some of the items.

I do realize that most of them at this point probably fall in the land of “enhancement requests”, so I can also make them a bit better organized and make them community posts to better track them if you’d like. Or if there’s something I can add to my comments to make them easier to track internally, let me know!

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@dan_ahrens @spencer_engel @Cornelia or someone else - is there ever going to be follow up to the myriad of questions on here? Or my most recent question on if there is a preferred way for me to re-create the comments to they’re easier to track? I know you all are working on a better product management tracking tool, but it seems like maybe the two aren’t mutually exclusive. 


I know *some* of these have been answered in the product launch either in the form of a TBD or something, but closing the loop here would be nice. Thanks!

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@rakesh are you able to provide some help to the questions in here about Gainsight Home? 

Userlevel 6
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Hi, thanks for redirecting this to me @dan_ahrens. There is a lot going on in this thread and I’ll need some time to be able to respond here. Will update this soon. 

Userlevel 6
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Hi All, PFA the updates for some questions. My responses are in italics.


  • How do I as an admin know if something is available for an admin to use?    - Same as usual Release notes when we add something new.
    • Can attributes be added by admins somehow?                                         - We also allow KPI reports. Yes, you can select any custom attribute via a KPI report
  • How do I know if something is available for an end-user to use?
    • Is there a way to restrict the availability of certain reports/widgets/attributes etc?  - End users have a limited editability. They do not see all the reports, but only the ones that are added to home (admin added or the ones CSM added to their home from dashboard). My portfolio widget, CSMs can only select fields that admins shortlist.
  • Can you pin/lock sections of Home you don't want end-users to customize/move/modify/delete?  - No. Currently end user’s personalization is 100%. This is an idea that we will be monitoring more of. 
  • How does GS Home impact Dependencies?                                                                                                  - A lot of widgets on Home are their own instances. i.e. there is no dependency. For reports we do register dependency. 
    • If a certain field/widget/attribute is used in the admin published version I can easily delete it - but will it register as a dependency? Additionally, if an attribute/widget etc. is consumed on one or more end-user customized versions of GS Home and it needs to be altered or deleted will that create a dependency and (more importantly) will that dependency be traceable to the particular configuration(s) it appears in as well as force deleted?
    • Renewal Center has a similar problem where custom views cause dependencies, but there is neither a traceback nor force delete option.
  • How can admins have visibility on what is being used/what by the end-users?                                    - No, we cannot track what individual element is used by individuals
  • For the “add on” product widgets (Adoption Explorer, Renewal Center, Customer Experience), at least from an RC perspective you can, for example, customize the fields that show up in the Waterfall Drill down report. 

    The question is - where do these configurations inherit their show fields from?                                  - Currently they do not have any configuration, they are fixed @vivekreddy - can you confirm this and some good RC/Home specific feedback from Bradley here.  


    Are there plans to enable changing the size of the widget widget?                                                        @bradley  can you share some details here on if you wanted it wider or narrower? Any additional observations here?

  • On that subject - are there any plans to honor report folders?                                                                 -  There was a technical limitation here to show folders in report listing. We will add it once we solve this challenge

  • Are there any plans to enhance visibility on which fields are editable by end users? It’s not really obvious but 3 of these 4 are editable. - @gopal_rao_kallepu  Some feedback on the My Portfolio widget 

  • State Preservation                                                                                                                                             - This is one area where this is no correct option. No matter what approach we chose, there will be some customers for whom this wouldn't work. That being said, we think of this as a A/B in Dashboards/Home for us to find out which experience - on demand / silent is more optimal to more customers. We do see it unifying after a while

  • Admins may need to just nuke all customizations                                                                                     - We do not have any plans of providing this option at the moment. This might help a lot of folks, but will stop other end users from making Home truly their home page

  • Filters working with Data Designer report                                                                                                   - Unfortunately there is no way to achieve this today. The challenge here is that Data Designer typically does not contain the company lookup, hence cannot filter to Company attributes. @ritaepreciado  - what all attributes would you ideally filter on Data Designer based report? Is it only Company or any additional attribute on Company?

Gainsight Home - My Portfolio - link to Company Page is implemented already. We had a fast followup in a couple of weeks on this. 

Gainsight Home - Feedback - updated details on the original post




For the “add on” product widgets (Adoption Explorer, Renewal Center, Customer Experience), at least from an RC perspective you can, for example, customize the fields that show up in the Waterfall Drill down report. 

The question is - where do these configurations inherit their show fields from?   

Currently the list of fields in GS Home drill downs are shipped as default from RC. Users cannot configure this. We are planning to ship an enhancement in the near future to let users configure from GS Home similar to that way they are able to configure from RC Analyse page currently.

cc: ​​​​@Swaraj 

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 Hey @rakesh , thanks for the detailed reply, and sorry for not getting back to YOU sooner 🙂. This might get weird, but I’ll put my reply in bold and sometimes bold Italics below.

Hi All, PFA the updates for some questions. My responses are in italics.


  • How do I as an admin know if something is available for an admin to use?    - Same as usual Release notes when we add something new. I don’t think I phrased this very well. Is there a systematic way I will know if a field, widget, etc. is able to be used in home?
    • Can attributes be added by admins somehow?                                         - We also allow KPI reports. Yes, you can select any custom attribute via a KPI report. Attributes are not the same as the KPI reports, so the messaging Is confusing (at least for me) on whether or not custom attributes can be added or modified by admins, though I understand custom KPI reports can be added.
  • How do I know if something is available for an end-user to use? I think what I was trying to say here was, how do I know if an asset/field etc. is something I can enable for an end user to see/use?
    • Is there a way to restrict the availability of certain reports/widgets/attributes etc?  - End users have a limited editability. They do not see all the reports, but only the ones that are added to home (admin added or the ones CSM added to their home from dashboard). My portfolio widget, CSMs can only select fields that admins shortlist.
  • Can you pin/lock sections of Home you don't want end-users to customize/move/modify/delete?  - No. Currently end user’s personalization is 100%. This is an idea that we will be monitoring more of. Is there an existing community post(s) you’re monitoring? Or should I make one for this? How do can I best boost the visibility of this request?
  • How does GS Home impact Dependencies?                                                                                                  - A lot of widgets on Home are their own instances. i.e. there is no dependency. For reports we do register dependency. So reports create dependencies, and maybe some widgets do? How are the dependencies handled? As noted below, Renewal Center custom views created quite a problem as there was no visibility in where the dependency was (when there was one), and no way to remove the dependency EXCEPT by going to that specific view and deleting the field, which had to be done manually. When there is a dependency created via GS Home, what will the experience of tracing and removing that dependency be like? Besides reports, is there a list of assets that will create dependencies? How much have the dependencies been tested vs. theorized?
    • If a certain field/widget/attribute is used in the admin published version I can easily delete it - but will it register as a dependency? Additionally, if an attribute/widget etc. is consumed on one or more end-user customized versions of GS Home and it needs to be altered or deleted will that create a dependency and (more importantly) will that dependency be traceable to the particular configuration(s) it appears in as well as force deleted?
    • Renewal Center has a similar problem where custom views cause dependencies, but there is neither a traceback nor force delete option.
  • How can admins have visibility on what is being used/what by the end-users?                                    - No, we cannot track what individual element is used by individuals. Is that not now not ever, full stop? Or it is just not currently enabled? If there’s no way to track what is being consumed where, this makes me nervous about what happens when dependencies are created, see above.
  • For the “add on” product widgets (Adoption Explorer, Renewal Center, Customer Experience), at least from an RC perspective you can, for example, customize the fields that show up in the Waterfall Drill down report. So if a user has a Waterfall Drill down configured in a certain way in RC, will they have access to that in Home? Or only the way I have it configured in Home? Or are you saying users should be able to configure the WAterfall Drill down (for example) within Home? Maybe I’m missing something but I don’t see that possibility.

    The question is - where do these configurations inherit their show fields from?                                  - Currently they do not have any configuration, they are fixed @vivekreddy - can you confirm this and some good RC/Home specific feedback from Bradley here.  


    Are there plans to enable changing the size of the widget widget?                                                        @bradley  can you share some details here on if you wanted it wider or narrower? Any additional observations here? Probably wider, but really adjustability is the ask, not a specific size. Report names get cutoff if they’re too long, and you don’t even see full text on mouse-over. Ideally being able to resize the widget but I’ll take mouse-over full text if that’s a more viable option.

  • On that subject - are there any plans to honor report folders?                                                                 -  There was a technical limitation here to show folders in report listing. We will add it once we solve this challenge. Nice to know it’s being looked at, thanks!

  • Are there any plans to enhance visibility on which fields are editable by end users? It’s not really obvious but 3 of these 4 are editable. - @gopal_rao_kallepu  Some feedback on the My Portfolio widget :)

  • State Preservation                                                                                                                                             - This is one area where this is no correct option. No matter what approach we chose, there will be some customers for whom this wouldn't work. That being said, we think of this as a A/B in Dashboards/Home for us to find out which experience - on demand / silent is more optimal to more customers. We do see it unifying after a while. Can you elaborate on why there is no correct option? It’s lauded as a feature on Horizon Dashboards so I’m somewhat surprised on why choosing continuity among features wasn’t the choice.

  • Admins may need to just nuke all customizations                                                                                     - We do not have any plans of providing this option at the moment. This might help a lot of folks, but will stop other end users from making Home truly their home page. I must be missing something, because this is also a similar feature the new Dashboards have where you can force a reset, which is what I’m talking about here. So why was it implemented on Dashboards and not on Home, which is a Dashboard? I understand Home has more flexibility so they aren’t exactly the same.

  • Filters working with Data Designer report                                                                                                   - Unfortunately there is no way to achieve this today. The challenge here is that Data Designer typically does not contain the company lookup, hence cannot filter to Company attributes. @ritaepreciado  - what all attributes would you ideally filter on Data Designer based report? Is it only Company or any additional attribute on Company? Are you saying it is actually possible but only if certain conditions are met? Or, regardless of some of those conditions being met there is still some other technical issue preventing this implementation? I think there is a post somewhere about improving the DD functionality with, I guess you would say, derIved mappings and lookups when you want to include Company data information. Beyond the scope of the general “Home improvement” discussion.

Gainsight Home - My Portfolio - link to Company Page is implemented already. We had a fast followup in a couple of weeks on this. Nice! I’ll be honest I haven’t looked at Home again in a while but it’s great to see it’s still evolving.

Gainsight Home - Feedback - updated details on the original post



