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Hello everyone!

Apologies for the late post for this one!


This thread is for today’s Thursday Admin Office Hours session, Thursday, June 20, 2024 at  11am PT / 12pm MT / 1pm CT / 2pm ET.

Please submit your questions below as replies to this post in advance if you can, and we'll address them during the session (or if there’s a quick answer available, we’ll post as replies to the questions).

There is no need to register for these sessions - you can join at any time. Once the session is underway, I will go in order of questions posted below first, then field questions from anybody else who has joined as well. Look forward to talking with you!

Conference Details (Zoom):

Thursday, June 20, 2024 at  11am PT / 12pm MT / 1pm CT / 2pm ET


Join Zoom Meeting:


Meeting ID: 955 6488 6548

Passcode: 296864


For dial-in info by your location, find your local number:

Hi Scott,

I’d like to chat about using the Timeline Integration to bring Salesforce activities into Timeline

Questions from @justo.casablanca :

  1. Is there a way to invoke a series of Data Designers with one click? Kind of like a rule chain invokes multiple rules, that type of thing.
  2. I’m using “KNIME Analytics Platform” for offline analysis of Gainsight data. From KNIME I am trying to make a REST API call to get ‘deleted’ records from our sandbox. Reference these articles. I can show the KNIME config screens but here is some of the config to start. The API call fails but I’m not getting back anything that tells me why, no error message, etc.

Generate REST API Access Key - Gainsight Inc.

Data Management APIs - Gainsight Inc.


Method = Post

Request body:

    "select": >
    "limit": 100,
    "offset": 0

Request headers:

accesskey = key retrieved from “Gainsight API” in Connectors 2.0

Content-Type = JSON

Running into a few issue with a dedicated scorecard we created - not sure if we are just not applying best practices or if it is a GS limitation - would like to review: 
(1) Need to filter to have this new scorecard only accessible for a certain product line  → Created new fields on company object to apply the product line(String) and status that are  relationship object 
→ the only way we found to map it (from the relationship object to the company object) was by creating rules - is this the way to do it? or is there a better less complex way? 
(2) once we applied that criteria on the dashboard it automatically assigned that new scorecard to accounts that matched the criteria - we did not create a rule or trigger an action to do that - and actually want it to be a manual assignment by the CSMs.
is this the way the system should behave? if so, Is there a way to stop that?
if its not the way it should behave - How do I check why this happened and how do I change it? 


Update on my REST API progress: I figured out that I should be passing “application/json” as the Content-Type header instead of “JSON”. Now I get the attached reply (id’s have been removed to protect the innocent), which is great, it’s the right format, but… I deleted 3 CTAs about 1 hour ago so I was expecting those to show up on this list. Are CTAs not supported for this API call? Which objects are supported, and where is it documented?

Also, the response is not coming back in a “body” header, but in a response header named “<empty_X>”, where X is a # that changes on every invocation. That’s going to be a problem, as I can’t map a header name that keeps on changing every time.

Open & Click Rate discrepancies.
in Journey analytics, when I filter to view specific NPS programs I get 0% for the Open&Click rate. However, if I go to the specific program analytics - there is a rate there. 
not sure why it is not mapping through and how to fix it. 


I’m attempting to sync tasks to Salesforce but getting a message that doesn’t allow me to proceed. 


Error: Please complete Task Mapping under Administration -> Workflow -> Tasks -> Task Mapping section

I don’t see a Workflow option under Administration. 

Hi Scott, 

We’re looking to load Support Case data into Gainsight and I have some questions about the Case Objects listed in the document linked below.

I’m using KNIME Analytics Platform to connect to the GainsightManaged S3 bucket and download some files.  The KNIME configuration allows me to configure the URL, “Access Key” and “Security” token, but when I try to connect it says I must specify the Region, then it fails.

In the KNIME config UI there is a place for me to configure the region, I just don’t know what to put in there, and the S3 (GainsightManaged) config page in Gainsight doesn’t say either.

Do you know, how do I find out the “region” value that S3 is expecting in the connection settings?

Good morning.


Our Customer Success Department is requesting the following. Appreciate any input or recommendations.

  1. Creation of a CTA based on account status change. The CTA should be triggered when the Account Success Type field is updated to a new value. Can Rules act based on the field value changes i.e. Rotational to Focused Account? 
  2. Triggering of an email if a field value is updated. I found guidance related to a CTA task triggering an email but not a rule. Can rules send emails based on the requirement? 

Thank you for all your assistance. 
