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Hello everyone!


This thread is for our upcoming Thursday Admin Office Hours session on Thursday, August 6, 2020 at 11am PT / 12pm MT / 1pm CT / 2pm ET.

Please submit your questions below as replies to this post in advance if you can, and we'll address them during the session (or if there’s a quick answer available, we’ll post as replies to the questions).

There is no need to register for these sessions - you can join at any time. Once the session is underway, I will go in order of questions posted below first, then field questions from anybody else who has joined as well. Look forward to talking with you!

Conference Details (Zoom):

Thursday, August 6, 2020 at 11am PT / 12pm MT / 1pm CT / 2pm ET


Join Zoom Meeting:


Meeting ID: 253 252 739

Password: 864010


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Hi Spencer, I wanted to chat a little bit more about the rules I mentioned yesterday. There’s been a little bit more complexity added to our scenario, so I wanted to talk this through with you first to see what the best way to go about architecting this might be. 



Hi Spencer!

I would like to go over a rule we created to capture case inflow count for each relationship and determine if the count has increased consistently over the past 3 months.  Initially, the rule was taking too long and aborted after 3 hours.  I’ve changed up some of the merges and how they join and now the job runs, but no results or there are results but when looking at the Rule Results spreadsheet, there is limited day.

Hey Spencer,

I’m trying to use CSM as a global filter for a dashboard, but I keep getting the error message: “Datatype of CSM doesn't match with that of referenceField.” I assumed it was looking for a string if the ID field didn’t work, so I added a CSM (string) field in Company, but that didn’t work either. The objects that are not cooperating are AO Emails, Unified Scorecard Fact, and a usage MDA object. 

Appreciate any advice. Thanks!


Hi Spencer,

In Jo Programs, when using Calculated fields, should you be able to use the Preview for a Conditional Wait that uses a Calculated field, when the program is in Draft mode? 

I get the following error when:  “Failed to load preview for this participant. Please try again” , but the preview for the Email in the JO program works fine.  

Hi Spencer,

I would like to be able to take a completed survey response and provide it in a JO email with the survey responses as a report. 

But the way the Survey 2.0 response record is flattened to a table, each checkbox selection is it’s own field/column in a table.

I’s like to be able to provide the Checkbox responses in a concatenated format. So if a survey checkbox is Apple, Orange, Pear, Banana and the respondent selects Apple and Banana. I want to show ‘Apple, Banana’ . The way it works now, there is a Boolean response for each selection, so it will show as 1 0 0 1

Is there a way to format the survey responses to display as a consumable report in an email?




S3 Rule to load to MDA issues

How do I load my current user’s Managers in Gainsight? As of right now, when I go to User Management, the Manager field is completely blank. How do I fix this?


This is for reporting purposes.

How do I load my current user’s Managers in Gainsight? As of right now, when I go to User Management, the Manager field is completely blank. How do I fix this?


This is for reporting purposes.

Hi @AgassiTran can you take a look at this tutorial and let me know if this helps? 


Hello - Can I map a field in Timeline Activities to auto populate?

I created a drop down field that we’re using in C360, however, I can’t get this field to pull into reports. 

If there is time, I would like to ask again about how to filter a rule to ensure it picks up a score of yellow if I have a specific filter.


@spencer_engel For the next office hours (or if you have an answer before then that would be great!) I’m new to using the period over period comparison % function and have a question. I’m comparing the average number of cases the last 90 days compared to the prior 90 day period. I’m able to replicate the calculation for most of my cases however many are getting the value 999,999%. Which seems odd to me. These cases look like they have more than 0 in the new period and 0 in the ‘benchmark’ period. Can you help me understand why? Function: Period over Period Comparison in % (Period(Days,90), count of case ids, created date, AVG, 1, False)
