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Hello everyone!

The first 20 minutes of Thursday’s Office Hours this week (11am PT / 12pm MT / 1pm CT / 2pm ET) will be focused on a quick tour of Journey Orchestrator - how it works, how it fits into the larger Gainsight platform, and general best practices.


Special Topic Overview: Journey Orchestrator, for a Gainsight Admin, is a nearly independent module from the rest of the Administration suite, so digging in and understanding it can be a challenge.  Some Gainisght users have completely different “JO Admins” - from the Marketing Communications group or related teams - that understand email template configuration and automated email flows inside and out, but have to work with the Gainsight admin for setting up the data sources, scheduling, troubleshooting, and so on.  


Following the special topic overview, we’ll go over any JO-related questions first, then use the remainder of the hour for a general Office Hours session.


Please submit your questions below in the thread - either relating to Journey Orchestrator, or general Admin questions - for after the presentation.  I will go in order of questions posted in this thread then field questions from anybody else who has joined as well. Look forward to talking with you!

Conference Details (Zoom):

Thursday, July 30, 2020 at 11am PT / 12pm MT / 1pm CT / 2pm ET


Join Zoom Meeting:


Meeting ID: 253 252 739

Password: 864010


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Hi Scott,

starting to use JO and wondering how to test an email program when calculated fields are involved… I have an example ready to go.



Also, I’m assuming this is for July 30th (not 29th) ;-)


Hi @lyne_therien  -- thank you - yes, tomorrow, Thursday, July 30


I already updated the body of the post - need our admin to update the subject line - thanks for catching that for me!

Hi Scott,


I wanted to learn more about Jira integration. I am setting up the S3 connection, but struggling to actually set it up. My Jira admin is using Skyvia to send the CSV to S3, but we are now having trouble getting Gainsight to pull the file. Hoping you knew any methodology or recommend software for Jira to dump the CSV file to an S3 bucket instead of my current method. 


Hoping you may be able to assist me with some rule challenges I am having and how to create a rule condition that would change my Product Adoption overall score and its measures to yellow if an account is hosted.

I am having difficulties setting up Tableau Web data Connector to connect to our Gainsight data. 

Point to note: Our Tableau setup is Tableau online and NOT Tableau Server.


As login with Gainsight NXT login for WDC is not available, we have to use SFDC login and we use customer domain with OKTA login for our SFDC setup. I am running into issues with this setup when I close my Tableau file and open it again. I am having to repeat everything all over again. I am not sure if I am doing anything wrong and want to check.

Hi Scott,

I’m glad this week’s topic is about Journey Orchestrator! I actually ran a program the other day. This may be something you address during your presentation, but if not, I’d like to discuss if/when I’m supposed to stop programs after letting them run.

We have a few simple email programs that we configured that I think only went through the program once, but when we built it we weren’t aware it needed to be stopped at all. Also I’d like to get a better understanding of what stopping a program really means. Does this mean I’ll still be able to access the program analytics? Are there any other limitations I should be aware of?


I am having issues with a formula in reporting, if we get time to do it.
