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Hello everyone!

This thread is for our weekly Thursday Admin Office Hours session, which will be held this coming Thursday, March 12, 2020 at 11am PT / 12pm MT / 1pm CT / 2pm ET.

Please submit your questions below as replies to this post in advance if you can, and we'll address them during the session (or if there’s a quick answer available, we’ll post as replies to the questions).

There is no need to register for these sessions - you can join at any time. Once the session is underway, I will go in order of questions posted below first, then field questions from anybody else who has joined as well. Look forward to talking with you!

Conference Details (GoTo Meeting):

Thursday, March 12, 2020 at 11am PT / 12pm MT / 1pm CT / 2pm ET

You can also dial in using your phone.

United States: +1 (872) 240-3412

Access Code: 493-151-677

Hi Scott!

I have a question about an internal operational JO email program I’m creating. The purpose is to remind our team to complete a task (reviewing a list) and confirm once they’ve reviewed and approved. Do you have any ideas on how I can track each approval? I want to avoid 50+ email responses. For example, can we include an ‘approved’ button and track that hyperlink? Looking forward to your thoughts

I’ve created a data designer object, but having issues mapping the CSM and CSM manager into the object. I’m getting blanks for their record ID’s.

The intent is to report on all CTA’s/Activities on the customer and relationship level.

Hello,  I had a question on the person object roll-out.  I can see that a real benefit of the feature is having one person related to multiple companies (consultant type relationship and/or employees that change firms).  Our Salesforce instance is the source of our contact data, and our Salesforce Contact records are generally nne contact at each company, i.e., multiple contacts even if they are the same person.  This poses a challenge to map multiple Salesforce Contacts to one Person in Gainsight.  Have you seen this before?  What is the best practice?

I’ve created a data designer object, but having issues mapping the CSM and CSM manager into the object. I’m getting blanks for their record ID’s.

The intent is to report on all CTA’s/Activities on the customer and relationship level.

Hi Scott,

You mentioned I should create a  nee field on the MDA object for account id. should this be a string or SFDC ID type field?

From there, what do i do with the field in the rule config? Currently the set up action is using the CTA ID is the unique identifier.



Hello @tony_tao  -- when you create the field to receive the Account ID, you can create as EITHER String or SFDC ID type field - the important part is to make it a Lookup field to the SFDC ID in Company after you’ve created it.


In terms of the unique identifier, nothing changes - you need to carry the Account ID through the merge if you haven’t already done so, then map it to the new field in your Action, BUT the CTA Id is the unique ID that you care about for the purposes of the rule.  If you have 5 CTAs under the same Account ID, you want them all retained through the rule - not consolidated down to 1 entry.


So to recap:

  1. Create a field in your object named “SFDC Account Id” and map it via lookup to the Company object (see my screenshot).
  2. Make sure you enable permission to load to that new field in the Rules Engine (using the gear icon in the upper right of the rules engine page - I always forget to do this, and then can’t find the field in my rule action).
  3. Map the Account ID that you pick up from the Call to Action to the new SFDC Account ID field in your Action.
  4. Remove the NAME that you added to your report to show company name (the one that is blank for Cust-level CTAs), and add the NAME field back to the report, except go through the new SFDC Account ID field instead of the Relationship ID field - this will then work whether the CTA is Relationship or Customer.

Hope that helps!





Hello @tony_tao  -- when you create the field to receive the Account ID, you can create as EITHER String or SFDC ID type field - the important part is to make it a Lookup field to the SFDC ID in Company after you’ve created it.


In terms of the unique identifier, nothing changes - you need to carry the Account ID through the merge if you haven’t already done so, then map it to the new field in your Action, BUT the CTA Id is the unique ID that you care about for the purposes of the rule.  If you have 5 CTAs under the same Account ID, you want them all retained through the rule - not consolidated down to 1 entry.


So to recap:

  1. Create a field in your object named “SFDC Account Id” and map it via lookup to the Company object (see my screenshot).
  2. Make sure you enable permission to load to that new field in the Rules Engine (using the gear icon in the upper right of the rules engine page - I always forget to do this, and then can’t find the field in my rule action).
  3. Map the Account ID that you pick up from the Call to Action to the new SFDC Account ID field in your Action.
  4. Remove the NAME that you added to your report to show company name (the one that is blank for Cust-level CTAs), and add the NAME field back to the report, except go through the new SFDC Account ID field instead of the Relationship ID field - this will then work whether the CTA is Relationship or Customer.

Hope that helps!




Thanks Scott! This fixed it all and I was able to solve the use case, appreciate it!

Hi @sdrostgainsightcom, Following up on my question from Thursday: Do I need to use the general survey program model for the JO program we discussed where I include a survey for an approval sent in a reminder email? I currently have it set up in the email program model but am not seeing the option to add the survey. 


I am working on creating a report.that will show each CSM’s current health scores as a pie chart for a management dashboard.  I need a little help on that.  Thank you.
